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what's the dimension of TLAT and TLON in pop2


New Member
Dear CESM/POP community,       I'm trying to specify the North Atlantic region by using 'if':     do i = 1,nx_block
        do j = 1,ny_block
         if ( (TLAT(i,j)*radian > 0. .and. TLAT(i,j)*radian  < 90.) .and.((TLON(i,j)*radian > 280. .and. TLON(i,j)*radian 0. .and. TLON(i,j)*radian < 30.)) ) then
        TRACER(i,j,1,2,curtime,iblock) = TRACER(i,j,1,2,oldtime,iblock)
        TRACER(i,j,1,2,oldtime,iblock) = TRACER(i,j,1,2,oldtime,iblock)
        TRACER(i,j,1,2,newtime,iblock) = TRACER(i,j,1,2,oldtime,iblock)
        end if
        end do
     end do      when I build the code, it told me that:/lustre/wenqing/cesm/run/sss_fixed_NA/ocn/source/step_mod.F90(509): error #6351: The number of subscripts is incorrect.   [TLAT]
         if ( (TLAT(i,j)*radian > 0. .and. TLAT(i,j)*radian  < 90.) .and.((TLON(i,j)*radian > 280. .and. TLON(i,j)*radian 0. .and. TLAT(i,j)*radian  < 90.) .and.((TLON(i,j)*radian > 280. .and. TLON(i,j)*radian 0. .and. TLAT(i,j)*radian  < 90.) .and.((TLON(i,j)*radian > 280. .and. TLON(i,j)*radian 0. .and. TLAT(i,j)*radian  < 90.) .and.((TLON(i,j)*radian > 280. .and. TLON(i,j)*radian 0. .and. TLON(i,j)*radian < 30.)) ) then
/lustre/wenqing/cesm/run/sss_fixed_NA/ocn/source/step_mod.F90(510): error #6351: The number of subscripts is incorrect.   [TLON]
          (TLON(i,j)*radian > 0. .and. TLON(i,j)*radian < 30.)) ) then
compilation aborted for /lustre/wenqing/cesm/run/sss_fixed_NA/ocn/source/step_mod.F90 (code 1)         The dimension of TLAT and TLON is 2, So I don't known what's wrong with it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.       Qin Wen   


In POP2, the variables TLAT and TLON are in radians, and TLATD and TLOND are in degrees, so you can use either pair in your new code.The TLAT and TLON variables have three dimensions: grid-x direction, grid-y direction, and number of blocks (used in threading).  See the grid.F90 module for definitions.Take a look at code in the vmix_kpp.F90 module for an example of correct usage of TLATD and TLOND; TLAT and TLON would be used similarly, if you are using radians. 