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Where can I find the example 'user_nl_datm' file


Hello everyone,

I am trying to run a CLM5.0 single point experiment under the CESM2.1.3. I have successfully made the surface data and prepared the input dataset. However, when running the "./preview_namelists" it returns error message like this:

Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (-1, -1)
Creating component namelists
   Calling /xxxxx/CESM-release-cesm2.1.3/cime/src/components/data_comps/datm/cime_config/buildnml
ERROR: Value index exceeds variable size for variable vectors, allowed array length is 1 value array size is 7

This error message may be caused by the input dataset. The production of the dataset referred to the example file: "CLM1PT_data/1x1pt_US-UMB/" and my input dataset will be listed in the following.

My question is that:
  • How can I solve this error
  • The "CLM1PT_data/1x1pt_US-UMB/" must have a corresponding config files. However, I can't find it in the CLM5 or DATM documentation. Where can I find it? I also searched the CTSM github repository but I didn't find the example config file.
I would be very grateful if someone could help solve this problem. Thank you!

netcdf GSWP3_1993 {
    lat = 1 ;
    lon = 1 ;
    scalar = 1 ;
    time = 4381 ;
    int64 lat(lat) ;
    int64 lon(lon) ;
    double LONGXY(lat, lon) ;
        LONGXY:_FillValue = NaN ;
        LONGXY:units = "degrees E" ;
        LONGXY:long_name = "longitude" ;
    double LATIXY(lat, lon) ;
        LATIXY:_FillValue = NaN ;
        LATIXY:units = "degrees N" ;
        LATIXY:long_name = "latitude" ;
    int64 scalar(scalar) ;
    double EDGEW(scalar) ;
        EDGEW:_FillValue = NaN ;
        EDGEW:units = "degrees E" ;
        EDGEW:long_name = "western edge in atmospheric data" ;
    double EDGEE(scalar) ;
        EDGEE:_FillValue = NaN ;
        EDGEE:units = "degrees E" ;
        EDGEE:long_name = "eastern edge in atmospheric data" ;
    double EDGES(scalar) ;
        EDGES:_FillValue = NaN ;
        EDGES:units = "degrees N" ;
        EDGES:long_name = "southern edge in atmospheric data" ;
    double EDGEN(scalar) ;
        EDGEN:_FillValue = NaN ;
        EDGEN:units = "degrees N" ;
        EDGEN:long_name = "northern edge in atmospheric data" ;
    double time(time) ;
        time:units = "days since 1993-01-01 00:00:00" ;
        time:calendar = "gregorian" ;
    double TBOT(time, lat, lon) ;
        TBOT:_FillValue = NaN ;
        TBOT:units = "K" ;
        TBOT:long_name = "temperature at the lowest atm level (TBOT)" ;
    double SHUM(time, lat, lon) ;
        SHUM:_FillValue = NaN ;
        SHUM:units = "kg/kg" ;
        SHUM:long_name = "specific humidity at the lowest atm level (SHUM)" ;
    double WIND(time, lat, lon) ;
        WIND:_FillValue = NaN ;
        WIND:units = "m/s" ;
        WIND:long_name = "wind at the lowest atm level (WIND)" ;
    double FSDS(time, lat, lon) ;
        FSDS:_FillValue = NaN ;
        FSDS:units = "W/m2" ;
        FSDS:long_name = "incident solar (FSDS)" ;
    double FLDS(time, lat, lon) ;
        FLDS:_FillValue = NaN ;
        FLDS:units = "W/m2" ;
        FLDS:long_name = "incident longwave (FLDS)" ;
    double PSRF(time, lat, lon) ;
        PSRF:_FillValue = NaN ;
        PSRF:units = "Pa" ;
        PSRF:long_name = "pressure at the lowest atm level (PSRF)" ;
    double PRECTmms(time, lat, lon) ;
        PRECTmms:_FillValue = NaN ;
        PRECTmms:units = "mm/s" ;
        PRECTmms:long_name = "precipitation (PRECTmms)" ;

// global attributes:
        :units = "degrees E" ;
        :long_name = "longitude" ;
        :create_time = "2023-09-14 14:56:06" ;
        :source = "Mixture between GSWP3 and Observation" ;
        :conventions = "CF-1.0" ;

My "" file like this:

            time    time
            xc      lon
            yc      lat
            area    area
            mask    mask
            frac    frac
            TBOT     TBOT
            SHUM     SHUM
            WIND     WIND
            FSDS     FSDS
            FLDS     FLDS
            PSRF     PSRF
            PRECTmms PRECTmms

and the "user_nl_datm" looks like this:

   dataMode       = 'CLMNCEP'
   domainFile     = '$DOMAINFILE'
   streams        = '  7 1993 1999 ',
   vectors        = 'null','null','null','null','null','null','null'
   mapmask        = 'nomask','nomask','nomask','nomask','nomask','nomask','nomask'
   mapalgo        = 'nn','nn','nn','nn','nn','nn','nn'
   taxmode        = 'cycle','cycle','cycle','cycle'


I'm not very experienced with the details of this functionality; however, I wonder for starters whether taxmode should have the same number of entries as vectors, mapmask, and mapalgo.

PS. I moved this to "Data Models" as more relevant but could be convinced to bring back to "Land" if that still seems appropriate.


I'm not very experienced with the details of this functionality; however, I wonder for starters whether taxmode should have the same number of entries as vectors, mapmask, and mapalgo.

PS. I moved this to "Data Models" as more relevant but could be convinced to bring back to "Land" if that still seems appropriate.
Thanks for your help! I asked someone else for a document. This seems to solve the problem. Anyway, I think providing a corresponding configuration file in the document may make it easier for future users to use the sample file, just a suggestion


Thank you for the suggestion. For now, could you show what you ended up changing to solve the problem, in case others encounter this issue?


Thank you for the suggestion. For now, could you show what you ended up changing to solve the problem, in case others encounter this issue?
Thank you for your kindly help! As another thread suggested, I haven't successfully run the single point experiment. I may come back later to investigate the cause of this problem

I guess this this error message is connected to something wrong with the surface data. Because I this error message disappears when I re-create the surface data and link the "fsurfdat" to the date file.