Could you please tell me where did you find POP 1-degree (gx1v3) simulation results for NICE2015 and ISPOL2004 ocean forcing? and how do you get deep ocean heat flux from POP? is it a direct output variable or extra derivations are needed to calculate it.
In addition, I found a variable in CMIP6 CESM2 outputs called siflsensupbot. The description for this variable is "the net sensible heat flux under sea ice from the ocean". I am wondering if it has the same meaning as the so-called deep ocean heat flux mentioned here in icepack input forcing data.
Best wishes
Could you please tell me where did you find POP 1-degree (gx1v3) simulation results for NICE2015 and ISPOL2004 ocean forcing? and how do you get deep ocean heat flux from POP? is it a direct output variable or extra derivations are needed to calculate it.
In addition, I found a variable in CMIP6 CESM2 outputs called siflsensupbot. The description for this variable is "the net sensible heat flux under sea ice from the ocean". I am wondering if it has the same meaning as the so-called deep ocean heat flux mentioned here in icepack input forcing data.
Best wishes