What version of the code are you using?
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
I tried to use CAMS anthropogenic emission data in CESM. In the IPT algorithm IPT/Emissions/CAMS_Anthropogenic/rename_cams_anthro_se.ncl at 56737c4375b76feac0767013c1d2acdf31fea5c1 · NCAR/IPT, ene_ind_so4_surf_out = 0.025*(ene_ind_so2_surf_out)
Describe your problem or question:
I am curious why molecular weight is not shown when converting so2 to so4. In my understanding,
ene_ind_so4_surf_out = 0.025*(ene_ind_so2_surf_out) * (64/115), where molecular_weight of so2 and so4 is 64 and 115, respectively.
Are the molecular weights already integrated within the 0.025 factor?
Thank you for any comments.
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
I tried to use CAMS anthropogenic emission data in CESM. In the IPT algorithm IPT/Emissions/CAMS_Anthropogenic/rename_cams_anthro_se.ncl at 56737c4375b76feac0767013c1d2acdf31fea5c1 · NCAR/IPT, ene_ind_so4_surf_out = 0.025*(ene_ind_so2_surf_out)
Describe your problem or question:
I am curious why molecular weight is not shown when converting so2 to so4. In my understanding,
ene_ind_so4_surf_out = 0.025*(ene_ind_so2_surf_out) * (64/115), where molecular_weight of so2 and so4 is 64 and 115, respectively.
Are the molecular weights already integrated within the 0.025 factor?
Thank you for any comments.