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Writing out tendendency terms


I'm trying to write tendency terms for some tracers in WACCM to a history file (have tried making daily mean and instantaneous values). But when I include them with the namelist parameter "fincl2" they are written to the file but all values are 0.

For instance:
HACH4 ~ "CH4 horizontal advection tendency"
VACH4 ~ "CH4 vertical advection tendency"
TECH4 ~ "CH4 total tendency"
TACH4 ~ "CH4 horz + vert + fixer tendency"
DFCH4 ~ "CH4 tendency due to slt fixer"

These terms are all members of the Master list, and I thought that all members could be easily included in diagnostic files??


I assume you are running the Eulerian dynamical core. These terms are meaningless when running
the Finite Volume dynamical core.

grep in the code for the variables "hadvnam", "vadvnam", "tendnam", "fixcnam", and "tottnam". The
"outfld" calls for these fields may be commented out or removed entirely. When outfld is not called
for these fields, the history file is filled with 0's
Thanks for your reply. That explains why all values are 0.

As far as I know WACCM can only run with the finite volume dynamical core.

But you say these parameters are meaningless when using the finite volume dynamical core. Why?


I believe these terms are calculated in the dynamical core, and only in the eulerian core. Thus the FV core does not have the option to calculate them.