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Writing out vertical tracer flux at specific vertical level


I have successfully added a new variable WTT_2 to the routine advection.f90 that is the vertical heat flux at a specific vertical level. The new variable is being written out in the output file with the proper dimensions (time, nlat, nlon). I thought I was writing out the flux at 40 m depth which is what I want but now feel this might not be the case and want to confirm before queuing up some long runs. The new lines I added are based on existing code for WT_TRACER, which I repeated for a new variable WT_TRACER_2, with the following section calculating the new variable:
      if (k==4)  then 
        do n=1,2
           if (tadvect_itype(n) == tadvect_centered) then
               WORK = dz2r(k)*WTK*(TRCR(:,:,k  ,n) + TRCR(:,:,k-1,n))
              call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK,tavg_WT_TRACER_2(n),bid,k)
              call accumulate_tavg_field(FLUX_T(:,:,n),tavg_WT_TRACER_2(n),bid,k)
        end do
Because my runs are using the tadvect_centered setting, it looks like the flux is being calculated using TRCR fields at vertical levels k and k-1. The above section is activated when k=4. The vertical levels for TRCR are given by z_t = (5, 15, 25, ....) m. So the new variable is computed using TRCR fields at k=4 (z_t = 35 m) and k=3 (z_t = 30 m). That would mean the vertical location for my new variable as computed above is 30 m and not 40 m, am I correct?

Thanks for your help.


I have successfully added a new variable WTT_2 to the routine advection.f90 that is the vertical heat flux at a specific vertical level. The new variable is being written out in the output file with the proper dimensions (time, nlat, nlon). I thought I was writing out the flux at 40 m depth which is what I want but now feel this might not be the case and want to confirm before queuing up some long runs. The new lines I added are based on existing code for WT_TRACER, which I repeated for a new variable WT_TRACER_2, with the following section calculating the new variable:
      if (k==4)  then
        do n=1,2
           if (tadvect_itype(n) == tadvect_centered) then
               WORK = dz2r(k)*WTK*(TRCR(:,:,k  ,n) + TRCR(:,:,k-1,n))
              call accumulate_tavg_field(WORK,tavg_WT_TRACER_2(n),bid,k)
              call accumulate_tavg_field(FLUX_T(:,:,n),tavg_WT_TRACER_2(n),bid,k)
        end do
Because my runs are using the tadvect_centered setting, it looks like the flux is being calculated using TRCR fields at vertical levels k and k-1. The above section is activated when k=4. The vertical levels for TRCR are given by z_t = (5, 15, 25, ....) m. So the new variable is computed using TRCR fields at k=4 (z_t = 35 m) and k=3 (z_t = 30 m). That would mean the vertical location for my new variable as computed above is 30 m and not 40 m, am I correct?

Thanks for your help.
Just noticed a typo. The depth corresponding to k=3 is z_t = 25 m, not 30 m as stated in my original post.