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how to run FHIST historical experiment in 2016-2020


Ru Xu
hi, all,
I wan to run a simulation using FHIST compset, but normally the historical period is end at 2014, if I want to get the output of 2016-2020, is there any possible
way to do this,



Staff member
Others, correct me if I'm wrong: I think the "historical" period ends at 2014 because of the time-range of our datasets; however, you can continue beyond 2014 with an SSP of your choice.


Ru Xu
Others, correct me if I'm wrong: I think the "historical" period ends at 2014 because of the time-range of our datasets; however, you can continue beyond 2014 with an SSP of your choice.
Thanks for the response, yes, this is my question, so which ssp simulation is more close to the historical simulation?


Staff member
I think Sam is right but we don't have an SSP compset for an F-case. So you will need to first setup a coupled simulation with the SSP compset that you choose and look at the namelist settings for the atmosphere and the land in ./CaseDocs/atm_in and lnd_in after running ./preview_namelists on that case. You'll need to then set up an FHIST case and copy over all the namelist settings from the coupeld run that are setting the input forcings into user_nl_cam and user_nl_clm in the case directory of your FHIST run. You'll also need to make sure that you're pointing to an SST file that extends beyond 2014. I don't think it'll matter too much which one you use. For the CVCWG simulations that are available here, we used SSP3-7.0


Ru Xu
I think Sam is right but we don't have an SSP compset for an F-case. So you will need to first setup a coupled simulation with the SSP compset that you choose and look at the namelist settings for the atmosphere and the land in ./CaseDocs/atm_in and lnd_in after running ./preview_namelists on that case. You'll need to then set up an FHIST case and copy over all the namelist settings from the coupeld run that are setting the input forcings into user_nl_cam and user_nl_clm in the case directory of your FHIST run. You'll also need to make sure that you're pointing to an SST file that extends beyond 2014. I don't think it'll matter too much which one you use. For the CVCWG simulations that are available here, we used SSP3-7.0
Thanks for the update, I will simulate a case following your suggestion.


Ru Xu
I think Sam is right but we don't have an SSP compset for an F-case. So you will need to first setup a coupled simulation with the SSP compset that you choose and look at the namelist settings for the atmosphere and the land in ./CaseDocs/atm_in and lnd_in after running ./preview_namelists on that case. You'll need to then set up an FHIST case and copy over all the namelist settings from the coupeld run that are setting the input forcings into user_nl_cam and user_nl_clm in the case directory of your FHIST run. You'll also need to make sure that you're pointing to an SST file that extends beyond 2014. I don't think it'll matter too much which one you use. For the CVCWG simulations that are available here, we used SSP3-7.0
Hi, islas, I only find one land-only simulation with SSP370 (ISSP370Clm50BgcCrop) composet, is there any available coupled simulation with SSP available?


Staff member
There should be a BSSP370 compset. But it may depend on what CESM tag you're looking at. I think it might not be there in cesm2.0 but it is there in cesm2.1.


Ru Xu
There should be a BSSP370 compset. But it may depend on what CESM tag you're looking at. I think it might not be there in cesm2.0 but it is there in cesm2.1.
Hi, Islas,
I create a case using SSP370_CAM60_CLM50%BGC-CROP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD (direct with BSSP370 do not work, i do not know why).

Then do the following operation: ($CASEDIR is my FHIST case folder, CESM_SSP370_fully_cp is the BSSP370 case folder):

cat cases/CESM_SSP370_fully_cp/CaseDocs/atm_in > $CASEDIR/user_nl_atm
cat cases/CESM_SSP370_fully_cp/CaseDocs/lnd_in > $CASEDIR/user_nl_clm

But the error
ERROR: Command /users/rxu/CESM/components/clm/bld/build-namelist failed rc=255
err=ERROR : CLM build-namelist::CLMBuildNamelist::setup_cmdl_bgc() : The namelist variable use_cn is inconsistent with the -b gc option

I attached the error screenshot and the user_nl_clm and user_nl_atm (both of them are copy from BSSP370) for your refernce.


    247.1 KB · Views: 12


Staff member
This looks like it could be a mis-match related to biogeochemistry in the land. You have two options for the land: BGC mode or satellite phenology (SP) mode. The FHIST compset uses SP mode. The coupled case you created to figure out the namelist for the SSP forcings is using BGC in the land. So if you add in namelist parameters that are relevant to the BGC mode but you've set up your case to use SP mode, it might be creating this issue. So you could either take the namelists parameters from a coupled case where you use SP mode in the land i.e., CLM5%SP, or you could use BGC in your prescribed SST case using the FHIST_BGC compset.


Ru Xu
This looks like it could be a mis-match related to biogeochemistry in the land. You have two options for the land: BGC mode or satellite phenology (SP) mode. The FHIST compset uses SP mode. The coupled case you created to figure out the namelist for the SSP forcings is using BGC in the land. So if you add in namelist parameters that are relevant to the BGC mode but you've set up your case to use SP mode, it might be creating this issue. So you could either take the namelists parameters from a coupled case where you use SP mode in the land i.e., CLM5%SP, or you could use BGC in your prescribed SST case using the FHIST_BGC compset.
Thanks for the reply. i try to make SSP dimulation with SP, but it seems all the compset are all with BGC, do you have any available coupled SSP compset with SP to to share?


Staff member
I don't have one to hand, I'm afraid. But you could also just omit the namelist parameters that turn out to be problematic like this. There probably aren't too many of them.


Ru Xu
I don't have one to hand, I'm afraid. But you could also just omit the namelist parameters that turn out to be problematic like this. There probably aren't too many of them.
I use this SSP370_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD case to obtain the lnd_in and atm_in, the copy them to the user_nl_clm and user_nl_atm in FHIST, it sees works. Thank your for your support.

haojie wu

peter pan
New Member
I think Sam is right but we don't have an SSP compset for an F-case. So you will need to first setup a coupled simulation with the SSP compset that you choose and look at the namelist settings for the atmosphere and the land in ./CaseDocs/atm_in and lnd_in after running ./preview_namelists on that case. You'll need to then set up an FHIST case and copy over all the namelist settings from the coupeld run that are setting the input forcings into user_nl_cam and user_nl_clm in the case directory of your FHIST run. You'll also need to make sure that you're pointing to an SST file that extends beyond 2014. I don't think it'll matter too much which one you use. For the CVCWG simulations that are available here, we used SSP3-7.0
Hi.islas!There two simple questions that have puzzled me for a long time.I need to run 1979.01-2020-12 FHIST simulations. Should I use FHIST or BSSP370 for the initial field? Should I run 1979-2014 and then 2015-2020?


Staff member
Based on the statement that you wish to run FHIST simulations from 1979 to 2020, I would opt for the FHIST compset.

Isla is recommending a step-by-step process for running your FHIST simulation beyond 2014 with the correct inputs for 2015-2020. This is why Isla recommends setting up a BSSP case. Not for running, but for looking at namelist settings.

Grace H.

Grace Heseri
New Member
I use this SSP370_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD case to obtain the lnd_in and atm_in, the copy them to the user_nl_clm and user_nl_atm in FHIST, it sees works. Thank your for your support.
Hi, Ru, I chose the FCSD and tried to use the SSP370 data as emissions, now I'm facing the same situation with you. I'm going to try the method you mentioned here, but I couldn't find information about the compset 'SSP370_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD'. Could you please talk more about your solution? Thank you so much.


Ru Xu
Finally, i use the namelists from BSSP370cmip6 case, then copy the namelist to the FHIST case (note , it is FHIST_BGC), for the FHIST (that use the SP mode), i did not success. If you use the BSSP370cmip6 to get the namelist, i think you may also success!


Ru Xu
Hi, Ru, I chose the FCSD and tried to use the SSP370 data as emissions, now I'm facing the same situation with you. I'm going to try the method you mentioned here, but I couldn't find information about the compset 'SSP370_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD'. Could you please talk more about your solution? Thank you so much.
Finally, i use the namelists from BSSP370cmip6 case, then copy the namelist to the FHIST case (note , it is FHIST_BGC), for the FHIST (that use the SP mode), i did not success. If you use the BSSP370cmip6 to get the namelist, i think you may also success!


Finally, i use the namelists from BSSP370cmip6 case, then copy the namelist to the FHIST case (note , it is FHIST_BGC), for the FHIST (that use the SP mode), i did not success. If you use the BSSP370cmip6 to get the namelist, i think you may also success!
Hi, Ru. I found that the supported resolution of BSSP370cmip6 is f09_g17, however FHIST_BGC is f09_f09_mg17. I wonder whether the resolution of FHIST case have to match with BSSP370cmip6 as f09_g17?