Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. S

    No Expected Cooling in Volcano Forcing Experiment

    Dear all, I ran a simulation using CESM1.2.2 with CAM4 as the atmospheric component (compset B1850, resolution f19_g16). The simulation includes both a control experiment and a volcanic forcing experiment (both hybrid runs). The only difference between the two experiments is the inclusion of...
  2. W

    How to extract land/sea mask from region_mask.ieeei4?

    Hi all, I am trying to run a LGM simulation with CESM1.2.2 and B1850 compset. I have a set of ocean restart files (gx1v6) and corresponding mask files to take advantage of. Unfortunately the bnd_topo file for CAM on hand has land/sea mask slightly different from the ocean files due to different...
  3. W

    Does SGH30 influence CAM4 in any way?

    Hi all, I am running a bunch of paleo simulations using CESM1.2.2 with CAM4+CLM4. I understand that the value of SGH30 is not required in CAM4. But when I changed its value, dust emission does seem to be changed (with active dust cycle). Can someone confirm if SGH30 does affect CAM4...
  4. P

    CAM4 with microphysics mg1

    Hi everyone, I am running CAM4 on CESM2.1.3, but would like to have a better Aerosol-Cloud Interaction. I therefore tried to change the microphysics package to the one developed for CESM5, by running: ./xmlchange --append CAM_CONFIG_OPTS='-microphys mg1'. I can build the case, however when...
  5. J

    How to change the dynamic variables in CAM

    Hello, I want to change the dynamic variables, such as temperature or wind, in particular model time. I found that dyn_in and dyn_out are used to contain the dynamic variables, thus dyn_out%t3 represent the temperature field. But after I overwrite/change the values of the dyn_out%t3, it seems...
  6. R

    CAM4 module model is blowing up: CFL condition likely violated . wanna help

    Hello, everyone!Thanks for opening this thread. I need your help. I am running fully coupled climate simulation (use B1850 compesite) with CESM1.2. The model has been running successfully for 3000 years.When I change to 'branch' continue to run the next, running successfully for six months and...
  7. P

    case_run error,about issues mapping between components and grids

    Dear Helper, I want to run a case with 'f09_g16' grid and 'FMOZ' compest in CESM1.2.2, the default FMOZ suits with 1.9x2.5, so I modified the file '2000_cam4_trop_chem.xml' to match with f09_g16, but there is still a error about SST and ice coverage data, it shows "application called...
  8. J

    Modifying the incident solar flux in the Parallel Offline Radiative Transfer Tool (PORT)

    Hi All, I have successfully setup CAMRT to run offline with CESM1.2.2. Following the instructions from here and its source publication. Running PORT requires a high temporal resolution (~every day and a half) radiation data to be fed into the model. I have been able to run PORT with perturbed...
  9. H

    CESM run error: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR: ionf_mod.F90: 235 :

    hi, I encountered the following error message after the model run for around 1 min. There is no error during case create/build/submit but during case run. I am not sure what is causing this problem. I am using CESM2.1.3, CAM4-chem tropospheric MOZART, CLM5, FMOZ compset. Could anyone suggest to...
  10. H

    climate-chemistry interactions in CESM

    Hi, In CESM2.1.3 (FMOZ compset, CAM40%TMOZ, CLM5) do we manually need to turn on climate-chemistry interactions (i.e., simulated aerosols and ozone can actually affect climate?), and two-way nitrogen fluxes (i.e., does your simulated nitrogen deposition actually affects the land?). Where can I...
  11. H

    CESM O3 hourly output

    Hi, I am currently using CESM2.1.3 (CAM4, CLM5), FMOZ compset. I want to get O3 hourly output in the hist file and the rest of the other variables in the monthly output (default). I made some changes in user_nl_cam, but I am still getting h0 files as model output and on checking the output .nc...
  12. M

    Output monthly average transient-eddy fluxes (CAM4)?

    Hi all, I'm running CESM1.2.2 with CAM4. I wish to output 3D monthly averages of transient-eddy fluxes in the atmosphere (water vapor, temperature, geopotential, momentum). Are these fluxes available as standard History Fields? I had a look in the CAM4 documnetnation but couldn't find them... If...
  13. K

    Radiaitve properties and hyrgroscopic growth of sulphate aerosols

    Dear Forum Members,I am using CESM 1.0.4 and CAM4 to study the effects of sulfate aerosols (both background and volcanic size) by prescribing them in stratosphere. 1) Could somebody provide a reference on how longwave and shortwave properties of sulfate aerosols are parametrised in the model...