Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
Normal Operations
The forums are back online with normal operations. If you notice any issues or errors related to the forums, please reach out to


  1. T

    How could I get access to files like this?

    Recently, I found the paleoCAMP website below if I wanna run this part in this website 2.5. Advanced module: recreate Jiang’s CESM2-PaleoCalibr LGM...
  2. C

    ERRO: NO variable gird found in case when create a newcase

    Hi,all. When i try to create a new case, some issue occurred. Error: No variable grid found in case. I guess it related to the wrong match to machine name. I write my machine name is config_machine.xml as <NODENAME_REGEX>MY1A</NODENAMEREGEX>(MY1A is my machine name.), but it doesn't work. I...
  3. A

    Getting Error during case build (clm 5.0)

    I have created case first then, created case setup and download all the required data-sets and when I proceed to build case i am getting error what should i do. Please help me this regard. I am getting error when running the script ./ wcl@wcl:~/CLM_5_run/case/test7$ sudo...