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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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Hi, everyone. In order to obtain wind speed field and ozone data for several years, I tried to run the FWHIST component in cesm 2.1.5 and further assimilate it with e.g. EAR5 data.
First of all, I successfully submitted a case without dart, as a test only ran for one day, some nc files in the...
Hello community,
I am doing some analysis with output from a long CMIP6-piControl simulation conducted with CESM2.1.0. The simulation name is "b.e21.B1850.f09_g17.CMIP6-piControl.001" and it used to locate at "/glade/collections/cdg/data/CESM2.1_release/b.e21.B1850.f09_g17.CMIP6-piControl.001"...
Hi, I'm looking for the CESM2 output variables ua, va and ta (Amon) in the hist-aer experiment for the r1i1p1f1 variant, but the data for 1950-1999 seems to be missing from the ESGF node. Can I access it from any where else? Thanks.
Hi, everyone.
I set use_soil_moisture_streams = .true. in user_nl_clm. I also set stream_fldfilename_soilm = '/BIGDATA2/fudan_zuozhy_3/cesm2.0/importdata/'. I note that the H2OSOI in the file...
The link to CESM2 experiment seems to have been updated recently(CESM experiments). Before you can see the driver data in different scenarios through caseroot, now the link is invalid.
Code version: release-cesm2.1.5-0-g7a6c5b0.
No change in the source tree.
Hi everyone,
I'm exploring some research question using CESM simpler model, specifically with dry Held Suarez configuration (Held Suarez | Community Earth System Model). Recently, I have found that the horizontal...
Dear all,
I am looking for the SST forcing files for TOGA and GOGA experiments, I can't find them on Derecho (If there are any), can anyone tell me?
I need them for spatial analysis purpose, thanks a lot!
I designed a experiment (startup run, F2000climo in CESM2) in which the soil moisture is prescribed with a given soil moisture climatology file. To reach this purpose, I set use_soil_moisture_streams = .true. in user_nl_clm. I also set stream_fldfilename_soilm =...
I noticed that there are 10 ensemble members for the CESM CMIP6-AMIP runs: from CMIP6-AMIP.001 to CMIP6-AMIP.010.
However, I could only find the 001 and 010 on Derecho but couldn't locate the restart files for ensemble members 002 through 009.
Could anyone please guide me on where I can find...
I am trying to do a branch run based on the f.e21.FHIST_BGC.f09_f09_mg17.CMIP6-AMIP.001 restart files (1955-01-01-00000) with CESM2.1.5.
The case was created and the model was built all successfully, but after ./case.submit I got the run aborted, with errors from the cesm.log as...
I have been trying to analyze the snow albedo ('albsno') and solar absorption ('fswabs') variables in CESM LE (where the cice component is on the 'g16' grid). Usually, I remap the pop data to a 1x1 deg. field with no issues; however, here, the data is split into the Northern and Southern...
Hello. I am looking for ocean and atmosphere output variables for the CESM1-CAM5 piControl simulation for comparison with a paleoclimate simulation. I have searched through ESGF nodes and NCAR climate data gateway. I did manage to find data on the ESGF CMIP5 output, but the download for many...
I am trying to run the "fixed sst" aquaplanet (compset QPC6 --res f19_f19_mg17) experiment on CESM 2.1.3. To explore if my control runs look the same or not I have conducted the same experiment twice without changing any configuration for 4 years and have discarded the first 6 months as...
I am interested to find the differences between two CESM versions.
In my local machine:
cesm model version found: cesm2.2.0
While in Derecho :
cesm model version found: release-cesm2.2.2
I have some modified modules from CAM which work fine in my local machine and I want to know...
When trying to clone release-cesm2.1.3,
there is an error due to '/CFMIP/COSPv2.0/tags/v2.1.4cesm/src' path not found and the ./manage_externals/checkout_externals fails
So, I modified "repo_url = Tags · CFMIP/COSPv2.0" --> "repo_url =" in...
I find that co2 in CESM2 is bigger than other cmip6 models.
1st figure is CO2 in GFDL-ESM4, 2nd figure is CO2 in CESM2, 3rd figure is CO2 in MRI-ESM2-0
I compared models, then CO2 of CESM2 is bigger than others.
But, co2mass of CEMS is same other models.
Why CO2 of CEMS is bigger than others...
I was running an I2000CLM50CN experiment recently and had a problem with the results.
I first ran this experiment for ten years, and found that FCO2 presents a process from negative to positive. FCO2 is the value CO2 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm), so I think it is a net CO2 flux.
While soil...
Dear all,
My research involves wind resource evaluation, so I have to simulate the wind speed as close to reality as possible.
The compset I use is 2000_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_DOCN%SOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV_TEST, a all-active compset for long-term climate simulation. I choose the slab ocean mode to...
I notice that I can output these variables at specific pressure level directly by set fincl1='U200','V200','U850','V850','OMEGA500','OMEGA850'. But it seems UV at other level (like 700,500hPa) can not be gotten in that way. I konw it can be gotten output the whole level of U or V or...
Dear forum,
I am downscaling CESM-DPLENS. I would like to know which ones of the CESM-DPLENS variables are equivalent to soil moisture (mrlsl in kg m-2), soil temperature (tsl), and liquid snow water equivalent (snw kg m-2) from CESM4 or how can I get those variables based on the available...
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