Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. O

    Questions on CAM6 nudging parameters

    Hi, I am looking to produce some nudged simulations in the CESM2 CAM6 subseasonal prediction system. Some of these will be everywhere (constant window function) and some will be in particular boxes using a window function horizontally and vertically (tropical troposphere, extratropical NH...
  2. X

    run ETEST compset with CESM2.1.2

    Hi all, I am doing some simulation experiments by changing PFT fractions to representing vegetation changes. I run simulations for 90 years with CESM2.1.2 ETEST(2000_CAM60_CLM50%SP_CICE_DOCN%SOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV_TEST) compset and with f19_g17 resolution. ./create_newcase --case ETEST_oldsurf...
  3. Jerry

    Can I use compset which is not scientific and tested when running CESM2.1.3

    Hi, everyone, I want to run a fully-coupled compset with external foring set as year 2000 level. However, I can't find a compset named as "B2000". I tried to run with the compset with longname "2000_CAM60_CLM50%BGC-CROP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD". That is, I...
  4. J

    CESM2.3 porting issue (no timing information)

    Hi all, I'm porting cesm2_3_alpha17e to my school server (Svante at MIT). It seems to run successfully, but no timing information. No timing output in the ./run/timing/. folder (nothing in checkpoints either), and no timing folder is created in the case directory (attached...
  5. J

    Run error - CESM2 can't find PIO library

    Hi all, I'm working on a port of CESM2.2.2 to the ARCHER2 HPC in the UK. I can build a case but the run fails with /work/n02/n02/jking/cesm/CESM2.2.2/runs/F2000_CESM2.2.2_test00/bld/cesm.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or...
  6. P

    Error Downloading Input Data

    Hi, I am trying to download input data but get the following error when running ./check_input_data --download: Similar issues seemed to have been solved by modifying the cime/config/cesm/cesm_input.xml file, either by moving the svn download method first (here) or adding "/" at the end of...
  7. P

    Can I configure cime to run a postprocessing script after successful archiving?

    Hi, I was wondering if there is some kind of hook where I can include a postprocessing script for CESM2 model runs. Ideally, this script would be called after a st_archive job is completed. I think this could be useful to save storage space: * only save wind speeds at desired levels...
  8. J

    CLM build error in CESM2.3 port

    Hi all, I'm trying to port CESM2.3.alpha17 to my HPC. When I run the ensemble test for F2000climo after installing the model: :/$CESMROOT/tools/statistical_ensemble_test> python --case $CESMROOT/runs/F2000climo_CESM2.3.alpha17.uf.0000 --ect cam --uf --mach archer2 --compset...
  9. Y

    Questions about hybrid and RUN_REFDATE

    Hello everyone, I am new to CESM. I have learned a lot from this forum, but I still have some questions about "hybrid" and "RUN_REFDATE". When i create a new case with ./create_newcase --case B1850 --compset B1850 --res f09_g17, and then ./xmlquery RUN_REFTYPE I expected it to return "startup"...
  10. L

    Questions on NTASKS, ROOTPE, and submission

    I'm running an experiment,compset is BSSP126, but when I submit the job, I run into this issue where the coupling merge node calculates incorrectly. Here are the logs: mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first...
  11. C

    Plot the wind direction for U10 variable

    Hi,all! I output the 10m wind speed by using U10 variable. Also, I output the TAUX and TAUY(Zonal surface stress) . TAUX and TAUY do not seem to be the U,V variables needed to plot wind direction. UBOT and VBOT seem to be the corresponding variables, but for heights higher than 10 m. Is...
  12. C

    How to set up to run 2014 in Fclimo2000

    Hi,all! I've been having some problems lately. (1)Why did we set up Fclimo2000, to run 2000 alone, and are these kinds of results meant to explain anything? (2)If I want to run 2014 on its own, it's like "Fclimo2014".How do I accomplish this? (3)If I only change the surface data for the year...
  13. A

    How to properly interpolate wind speeds to a specific height above ground level?

    Hello, I am working with ARISE-SAI-1.5 and CESM2-WACCM6-SSP245 model output, and I would like to calculate the wind speed above ground level, specifically 100 m. Besides the 10 m wind speed variable that is readily available, zonal (U) and meridional (V) winds are available on model levels...
  14. Jerry

    Error when testing nudging tools in CESM2.1.3

    Hi, everyone! I try to test the nudging tools in directory 'components/cam/tools/nudging/Gen_Data/'. And I chose ERAI as the target reanalysis product. I edited the csh script according to the instructions in the README file and submitted it for execution. Unfortunately, there was an error. I...
  15. C

    What parameters can be set to keep the model running for days?

    Hi,all. I just port CESM2.1.3 in my cluster. I use case.submit to submit my task. I want to know What parameters can be set to keep the model running for days? Because My task always stop after 24 hours. I know this reason is the JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=24:00:00. My first try is set the : in...
  16. C

    Ocean module in cesm2.1.3 stuck

    Dear all, Recently I'm porting cesm2.1.3. I create a newcase to test the model. My compset is F2000climo. But the ocn component is stuck when I run this model. You can see the cpl.log always keep the statue of "Initialize component ocn". I don't know why. Any idea? The attachment is...
  17. C

    Cam model is stuck at the process "Creating new decomp"

    Dear all, I find the cam model is stuck in the process as "Creating new decomp". I don't know why. I look through cpl.log and find the cam model is stuck. My compeset is F2000climo and res is f09_g09_mg17. The attachment include the slurm file and atm.log.
  18. J

    How to modify the albedo data in usr_nl_cam?

    I want to modify the albedo of certain regions in the coupled model. Is it feasible to specify the values of albedo using grid points in user_nl_cam?
  19. C

    Can I use the restart file from cesm2 as the start files of the cesm1 continuation?

    Hi all, For some reason, I can't use cesm2 to run. But I got the spinup files from cesm2. I want to use those spinup files as the finit data to drive cesm1 for continue_run. It is possible? What are the corresponding processes and steps?
  20. X

    How to modify the Component Set?

    I want to use the ICLMCN model to simulate soil carbon fluxes over historical periods, but there is no Component Set named 'IHISTCLM50CN', so how do I do this? My idea is to use I2000Clm50Cn to spinup the model for 600 years (to reach equilibrium)at first. Since IHISTCLM50CN does not exist...