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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. J

    NCL CAPE/CIN calculation to Python?

    Hi all, I ran a CAM-Chem case in CESM2.1.3 and output CIN, but all values were 0. I've seen elsewhere that this is a known issue with CAM-Chem and that CIN tends only to be output by WACCM (I guess this is my fault for going for the cheaper model). I'd like to calculate CIN manually but the...
  2. L

    cesm2.1.3 running error: forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred

    Hi, I am attempting to run an CESM2.1.3 case (compset BSSP126), and I encountered an error about half an hour after submitting the case. The CESM log reads: 2 IMOD, NAPROC, NBLKRS, NSPEC, RSBLKS= 1 72 9 600 5 600 5 1 IMOD...
  3. H

    htapes_fieldlist ERROR: FireMech_bc_a1 in fincl

    Hi, I made some changes in user_nl_clm as: hist_fincl1 = 'FireComp_BC', 'FireMech_bc_a1', and so on other variables, but it seems it didn't find FireMech_. I can see 'FireMech_bc_a1' in the list in the link below, but why is it unable to find it? There is no problem with FireComp_BC, but only a...
  4. J

    ERROR: create_distrb_roundrobin: max_blocks too small

    Hi all, We've successfully ported CESM2.1.3 to an HPC. Alas, said HPC was recently taken offline for various 'upgrades', and CESM2.1.3 no longer runs properly. After an extended session of whack-a-mole with various error messages, I've come across one which has me stumped. A test case using the...
  5. C

    How to output the landuse cover dataset in F2000climo?

    Hi,all! I'm using F2000climo to simulate global changes from 2000-2050, I now want to output the 2000-2050 surface coverage dataset, what variables should I pick to output? Is it in the CLM component?
  6. H

    NO fire emissions (FireComp_NO) from CLM5

    Hi, I have recently conducted simulations using CLM5 in CESM2.2.0, and I am particularly concerned about the emissions from land fires. I compared several species using both the GFED4 and CMIP6 biomass-burning emissions files. While the emissions of all other species appear to match reasonably...
  7. Z

    soil type data

    Dear all, How can I get the input data for soil type (such as sand, silt, clay, in LUMIP (in experiment ID of hist-noLu,ssp370-ssp126Lu), CMIP (historical), and ScenarioMIP( ssp370). Thanks.
  8. Z

    Query about Pr outputs of CESM2-FV2 under the CMIP6 ssp585

    Hello! I have a query about the variable Pr (total precipitation or precipitation flux in the standard name) of the CESM2-FV2 model under the ssp585 forcing scenario. Currently, this variable is absent on the ESGF portal. Will it be made available in the future? Thank you!
  9. C

    ERROR: Unknown error submitted to shr_abort_abort When CESM2.1.3 RUN

    Hi! everyone. I got a ERROR: Unknown error submitted to shr_abort_abort When CESM2.1.3 RUN. The log file in the attachment. I spin up 50years and change the surfdata in CASE test612 ,see the posthow-to-generate-surface-datasets-using-my-own-land-use-data. Now, I create a new CASE test620 and...
  10. E

    How to appropriately calculate radiative forcing imbalance

    When running simulations with volcanic forcing in a fixed sea-surface temperature condition to get an estimate of the forcing, what output variables are the appropriate ones to use? From what I understand, the standard way to do this is to calculate it as the sum of the shortwave + longwave...
  11. jgx

    Error by running CLM5.0

    Hi, While running the clm5.0.03. The model setup and built has been successful. When I submit the case, it shows the 'run command is mpirun -np 4 /home/clm/cesm/scratch/xinjiang_1/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1 ERROR: RUN FAIL: Command 'mpirun -np 4...
  12. J

    Run fails after 5 months with unfamiliar error

    Hi all, I'm working on a regionally-refined spectral element grid and my case has failed with what looks like a fairly general MPT error but it's not one I've seen before, and the usual 'search for error message in CESM forum' approach hasn't been useful. The case runs OK for 3 months. After I...
  13. L

    CESM2 SMYLE-FOSI Ocean Time Series Data Monthly Averages

    I want to know the time range for the SMYLE-FOSI, because I can't get the exact time information from nc files. like this Looking forward to your reply, thank you!
  14. J

    CLM run crashes after first resubmit

    Hi all, I'm doing a regional CLM-only run over Africa with anomaly forcing from DATM. To run from 2015-2100 I separate the run into 17-year blocks and set RESUBMIT=4. The model runs fine for the initial set of 17 years and writes history files as expected. However, when the first resubmitted...
  15. C

    job submit limit, user's size and/or time limits when run the case.submit

    Hi,everyone. I try to run CESM2.1.3. I got the sbatch error: ERROR: Command: 'sbatch --time 0:20:00 -p cpu_parallel --dependency=afterok:7408958 case.st_archive --resubmit' failed with error 'sbatch: error: QOSMinCpuNotSatisfied sbatch: error: Batch job submission failed: Job violates...
  16. C

    Create a newcase failed. Error: Make no sense to have read-only file

    Hi,everyone. I try to create a newcase ,but i got the error. I found it related to this post. This is the output when i edited the Also, i attach my config files.
  17. J

    Abnormal vertical profiles of ice temperature and salinity in the outputs of CESM2 fully coupled simulations

    Hello, To check the sea ice mass balance of the model, I conducted simulations using the CICE5 stand-alone model and the CESM2 coupled model, and plotted vertical profiles of the temperature and salinity in the sea ice layer. However, in the CESM2 experiment, unphysical results were obtained...
  18. S

    Creat a new patch

    Dear all, I am using CLM5. Spatial land surface heterogeneity in CLM is represented as a nested subgrid hierarchy in which grid cells are composed of multiple land units, snow/soil columns, and patches. I find that at most 79 types of patches are used in CLM5, including not_vegetated, trees and...
  19. C

    ERRO: NO variable gird found in case when create a newcase

    Hi,all. When i try to create a new case, some issue occurred. Error: No variable grid found in case. I guess it related to the wrong match to machine name. I write my machine name is config_machine.xml as <NODENAME_REGEX>MY1A</NODENAMEREGEX>(MY1A is my machine name.), but it doesn't work. I...
  20. C

    Porting CESM2,ERROR:xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: unbound prefix

    I wanna to port the CESM2 to the machine. I revised the config_machine.xml,config_batch.xml and config_compilers.xml. When i try to create new case, Error was reported. Traceback (most recent call last): File "./create_newcase", line 243, in <module> _main_func(__doc__) File...