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  1. J

    error in case.submit

    Hi all, I was able to successfully build a case but when submitting the case I got errors messages. I am not sure what is the problem. Do you have any suggestions for me to try? Thanks very much for your help, jia
  2. Z

    Errors in ./ of CESM2

    Hi, I'm new to CESM2. Now I have errors in ./, the errors are as follows: Creating component namelists 2022-06-08 15:32:12 atm Calling /global/home/zhanggw/CESM2/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cam//cime_config/buildnml ...calling cam buildcpp to set build time options CAM...
  3. D

    CESM run stuck at remap (shr_strdata_init_mapping) calling shr_dmodel_mapSet

    Hello! I am facing problems when using high-resolution atmospheric forcing (1440 x 721) in the datm component while running NEMO-CICE configuration. Initially, with my default flags for compilation, it showed a segmentation fault. The message was "[n086:344621:0:344621] Caught signal 11...
  4. J

    qsub error on Cheyenne

    Hi all, I'm working on Cheyenne and currently can't submit anything into the batch queue. When I run qcmd -- ./ to compile a model run (CESM2.2.0), I get: Connection refused qsub: cannot connect to server (errno=111) Error: PBS could not successfully...
  5. J

    CESM2 crash without obvious error message

    Hi all, I have a CESM2.2.0 run on Cheyenne which crashes after submitting, but I can't see an obvious error source. It's a land-atmosphere only run based on the FC2010climo compset. The error message in the cesm log is the usual: 0:MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will...
  6. S

    Porting CESM2 to a machine with Slurm but no module manager

    Hello, I am currently attempting to port CESM (v2.1.1) to a new machine which uses Slurm for queue management, but which does not use a module system. As such, I am struggling to understand how I can supply information about my environment to CESM when running a case. I am able to set up a...
  7. J

    Effect of CO2 on C4 grass biomass and fires

    Hi all, I have done some runs with CLM5 in land-only mode and have a result I'm not sure how to explain. The runs are at 0.5deg resolution over a regional domain covering sub-Saharan Africa over the period 2015-2100. We have used SSP3 anomaly forcings and done runs with CO2 increase only, CO2 +...
  8. T

    Issue with setting up CESM on new system

    Dear CESM community, We have been trying to set up CESM v2.1.3 on the new system at our institute but we're facing a lot of problems. As it stands now, we are able to create a case and build it successfully. When we submit the job, an error shows up (segmentation fault) in the log files...
  9. C

    CESM2 LENS Branch Run Error

    Hello, I am attempting to do a branch run off of a CESM2 LENS ensemble (b.e21.BHISTcmip6.f09_g17.LE2-1001.001), but I keep getting the following error when I run it: 1: NetCDF: Variable not found 1: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR: nf_mod.F90: 731 : 1: NetCDF...
  10. H

    GLACIER_REGION NOT on surfdata while using landuse.timeseries data

    Hi, can I change the fsurdat from surfdata_0.9x1.25... to landuse.timeseries_0.9x1.25.... I tried changing it in CESM2.1.3 with ISSP370Clm50BgcCrop compset but encountered some problem: Default: fsurdat =...
  11. J

    Question about MEGAN and LAI

    Hi all, I'm running CESM2.2.0 and am looking at the effects of land use on BVOC emissions under different climate scenarios. I have generated surfdata files for CLM5 which I thought were prescribing LAI, as they contain the variable 'monthly LAI'. However, when we run experiments with different...
  12. nuvolet

    Build a new case after modifying module code in CAM6-CESM2.2

    Greetings, I am modifying a module in the CAM6.0 (nudging.F90) and in during the process to build a case I get this message and the case is not completely built. Somebody knows why this directory is not created? Thanks in advance
  13. nuvolet

    Code Modifications in CESM2.2 - CAM6.3

    Greetings, We are trying to make some code modification in some modules in CAM6.3 in order to customize some cases we want to run. The reason we are doing that it is because we need to specify some inputs which are not available as CESM has been built. Therefore, we found that if we want to...
  14. S

    ERROR in surfdata/fatmgrid lon/lat mismatch error

    Hi all, I'm working on change land-sea distribution in the CESM2.1.3, I have generate new ocean domain file and land domain file, and mapping files. The error happened in the run time, viewing the cesm log it says: ENDRUN: ERROR: ERROR in surfrdMod.F90 at line 384 ERROR: ERROR in...
  15. J

    PFT-level output - calculating timeseries per PFT

    Hi all, I'm working with the 1D PFT-level output for CLM5 for the first time. I am interested in plotting a timeseries of some PFT-level variables over my domain. I can see in the variable list that my history files contain a variable called 'pfts1d_wtgcell' (PFT weight relative to...
  16. H

    compound not found in FireEmis table

    Hello CESM community, I am encountering one ERROR recently when I run a model with the following compset, turning on fire, compset: I2000Clm50BgcCru CLM_BLDNML_OPTS="-fire_emis" After creating the case, I made some changes in user_nl_clm, such as fire_emis_specifier = 'CB1 = 0.5*BC'...
  17. nuvolet

    Creating data streams - CESM2.2

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if the process to create new data streams in CESM2.2 is similar to previous version. I found this old documentation (, and I would like to know if I could use it for new cases in the...
  18. J

    Understanding proper usage of create_clone for cases that are designed to resubmit from restart files

    I have a case that I have set to resubmit 5 times, writing a restart file at the end of each run: ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=ndays ./xmlchange STOP_N = 720 ./xmlchange REST_OPTION=ndays ./xmlchange REST_N=720 ./xmlchange RESUBMIT=5 I'm not absolutely sure that this usage is correct, but it does...
  19. J

    CLM5 case failure

    Hi all, I have a CLM5 case which sometimes runs, but mostly doesn't. I wanted to ask if there is anything I can do to reduce the high crash rate. I am running over a custom domain (sub-Saharan Africa) at a 0.5 degree resolution and outputting CLM5 history fields per PFT as well as on the...
  20. Y

    error when run ./ in CESM 2.2.0

    Hi Helpers, I am using school clusters to config and run CESM2. Everything is good until there is an error happened when run ./, here is the output: Building case in directory /share/home/czhou171/ycliu/models/CESM/cases/X.test sharedlib_only is False model_only is False Setting...