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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. H

    compound not found in FireEmis table

    Hello CESM community, I am encountering one ERROR recently when I run a model with the following compset, turning on fire, compset: I2000Clm50BgcCru CLM_BLDNML_OPTS="-fire_emis" After creating the case, I made some changes in user_nl_clm, such as fire_emis_specifier = 'CB1 = 0.5*BC'...
  2. nuvolet

    Creating data streams - CESM2.2

    Hi everyone, I was wondering if the process to create new data streams in CESM2.2 is similar to previous version. I found this old documentation (, and I would like to know if I could use it for new cases in the...
  3. J

    Understanding proper usage of create_clone for cases that are designed to resubmit from restart files

    I have a case that I have set to resubmit 5 times, writing a restart file at the end of each run: ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=ndays ./xmlchange STOP_N = 720 ./xmlchange REST_OPTION=ndays ./xmlchange REST_N=720 ./xmlchange RESUBMIT=5 I'm not absolutely sure that this usage is correct, but it does...
  4. J

    CLM5 case failure

    Hi all, I have a CLM5 case which sometimes runs, but mostly doesn't. I wanted to ask if there is anything I can do to reduce the high crash rate. I am running over a custom domain (sub-Saharan Africa) at a 0.5 degree resolution and outputting CLM5 history fields per PFT as well as on the...
  5. Y

    error when run ./ in CESM 2.2.0

    Hi Helpers, I am using school clusters to config and run CESM2. Everything is good until there is an error happened when run ./, here is the output: Building case in directory /share/home/czhou171/ycliu/models/CESM/cases/X.test sharedlib_only is False model_only is False Setting...
  6. H

    Agricultural ammonia (NH3) emission file

    Dear all, Is there any way in CESM where I can modify the agricultural ammonia and see how it can affect the ambient PM2.5 globally? I can find some emission files for ammonia from "bb" and "anthro" for different SSPs, but not NH3 solely from agriculture. Any hint/idea on how I can do this in...
  7. C

    Preindustrial equilibrium temperature in CESM2.2 vs CESM2.1

    Hi, I'm running a fully coupled simulation at 2 degree resolution (compset: 1850_CAM60_CLM50%BGC_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD, resolution: f19_g17), as a hybrid run branching from year 401 of the 2 degree PI control (b.e21.B1850.f19_g17.CMIP6-piControl-2deg.001)...
  8. J

    SourceMods with redundant filenames

    Say I want to build the model with a modification to CAM in the file src/physics/simple/physpkg.F90 How do I ensure that the model knows to modify this file rather than src/physics/cam/physpkg.F90? Should I insert this into SourceMods in the CIME case directory by replicating the directory...
  9. M

    Use external shortwave data in CESM2 coupler

    In my experiment, I want to hold the solar radiation using external data. So I plan to use downloaded shortwave (solar radiation) data to overide the model calculation sw value in CESM2 coupler. I found the coupler sw calculation process in subroutine seq_flux_ocnalb_mct in the file...
  10. J

    How to properly turn on AOA tracers?

    I am trying to perform a simple Held-Suarez configuration in CAM, with AOA tracers active. I first spun up the model with a period of 1.5 years without including -age_of_air_trcs to CAM_CONFIG_OPTS I am then trying to do a longer run using this spun up state as the initial condition. For this...
  11. S


  12. H

    CESM run error: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR: ionf_mod.F90: 235 :

    hi, I encountered the following error message after the model run for around 1 min. There is no error during case create/build/submit but during case run. I am not sure what is causing this problem. I am using CESM2.1.3, CAM4-chem tropospheric MOZART, CLM5, FMOZ compset. Could anyone suggest to...
  13. J

    Interpolating input data from WACCM to CAM-chem

    Hi all, I would like to interpolate some initial conditions from WACCM (70 vertical levels) to use in a CAM-chem run (32 vertical levels) using the interpic tool. I can see that a 32-level case is non-standard in the script 'create_template.ncl' which is required to run interpic. Sure enough...
  14. D

    Details about the prescribed aerosol deposition data in 2000 in CLM?

    I found the prescribed aerosol deposition data in 2000: “”. Does anyone know any information about its used model/accuracy or any reference about this file? I also found a regridded version I also found a higher resolution version...
  15. J

    CESM2 data in WRF

    Hello Folks, I'm wondering does the CESM team has input data for the WRF model in the CMIP6 project? I want the SSPs scenarios. And are the data the same as the "NCAR CESM Global Bias-Corrected CMIP5 Output to Support WRF/MPAS Research" ? I can't find similar data at...
  16. 2

    CESM2 Compset F2000climo res f09_g16 running error

    Hi, I tried to run a case with compset of F2000climo (Is it similar to F2000 in CESM 1.2.2?) and the resolution of f09_g16. The partial error message of cesm.log is as follow (The whole file is also attached): I just create case then setup, build and run, have not modified any config files yet...
  17. H

    climate-chemistry interactions in CESM

    Hi, In CESM2.1.3 (FMOZ compset, CAM40%TMOZ, CLM5) do we manually need to turn on climate-chemistry interactions (i.e., simulated aerosols and ozone can actually affect climate?), and two-way nitrogen fluxes (i.e., does your simulated nitrogen deposition actually affects the land?). Where can I...
  18. A

    Cores, memory, network interconnection for CESM2

    I would like to purchase nodes on my institution's supercomputers. Can someone estimate how many cores and how much memory are needed as well as what the speed of the network interconnection is for CESM2 simulations at 0.25 deg resolution for about 30 years?
  19. H

    CESM O3 hourly output

    Hi, I am currently using CESM2.1.3 (CAM4, CLM5), FMOZ compset. I want to get O3 hourly output in the hist file and the rest of the other variables in the monthly output (default). I made some changes in user_nl_cam, but I am still getting h0 files as model output and on checking the output .nc...
  20. W

    Help requested: strange error in CESM2 run

    Background We are trying to run CESM2 job on Cheyenne, version release-cesm2.1.3, WACCM MA. The goal is to conduct a simulation of stratospheric aerosol geoengineering, branching from a "background" run in 2035. The first year of simulation runs successfully, but every time we submit the second...