Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. M

    "Where can I check the compilation order of all module files in src/biogeophys in CLM5.0?"

    Hello, I've been using CESM2.2.1 for local offline simulations, and I'm constantly confused about the compilation order and module hierarchy in the CESM2.2/components/clm/src/biogeophys/ directory. While there is a CMakeLists.txt file in this directory, it is only used for unit testing and...
  2. I

    Soil Moisture Estimation using CLM5.0

    Hello Everyone! I am a student and recently started studying the Community Land Model (CLM). I want to estimate soil moisture using CLM. I tried to look for tutorials about soil moisture estimations on YouTube and other platforms. However, I am unable to find any particular tutorials or...
  3. A

    Difference between input and output PCT_NAT_PFT data

    Dear Team, I am running fully-coupled CESM2.1.2 simulations with CLM 5.0 (and BGC-Crop) under an SSP scenario. In my simulations, I am adding tree cover and thus removing shrub/grass/crop to make space for the trees. I ran the first two years of simulations for the baseline (fixed tree cover...
  4. S

    How to output surface roughness (e.g., Z0MV) in the CLM5.0 land surface model?

    What version of the code are you using? - I ran CESM 2.1.4 on NCAR HPC. Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? - I only changed the default “fsurdat” Describe every step you took leading up to the problem: - Specific steps: 1) create a new case with F2000climo compset...
  5. A

    How can I use my CO2 data in the model(CLM5.0、CESM)?

    I want to create a case to make the model use my own downloaded co2 file (cmip6 download rcp2.6 data) : /home/hlh/cesm/inputdata/atm/datm7/CO2/fgco2_Oyr_CanESM5_rcp26 - cmip5_r1i1p1f1_gn_2006 - How can the next operation be completed? Hopefully, you can start by creating a case How...
  6. S


    I would like to ask all seniors, when using CLM5 to simulate fire-related variables, how do you calculate the area and number of fires? Do you calculate it through the variable FAREA_BURNED? I think this variable means the time step area fraction. How to use this? To calculate the fire area of...
  7. A

    How to make the mode use downloaded CO2 data

    ./create_newcase --case HistClm50BgcCrop --res f09_g16 --compset IHistClm50BgcCrop --mach myintel --compiler intel --run-unsupported I created this case, I want the model to use my own file download of co2 (cmip6 download rcp2.6 data)...
  8. A

    CFTs of input and output not matching

    Dear Team, I was running a CLM5.0-only simulation with the I2000Clm50BgcCrop compset where I planted additional trees. I was reading in a different surfdat file where the tree coverage (natpft 1-8) is increased while the crop area is decreased accordingly (PCT_CROP). As a check that my...
  9. A

    How to make the mode use downloaded CO2 data

    ./create_newcase --case HistClm50BgcCrop --res f09_g16 --compset IHistClm50BgcCrop --mach myintel --compiler intel --run-unsupported I created this case, I want the model to use my own file download of co2 (cmip6 download rcp2.6 data)...
  10. D

    The fill value of anomaly forcing of precipitation

    Hi @oleson , I'm currently checking the NetCDF file for the anomaly forcing. I found that the fill value for precipitation is set to 1 (with units of mm/s). The file path for the anomaly forcing I’ve checked is...
  11. A

    Alebdo and snow masking of grass and shrub

    Dear Team, I am trying to add some forest cover and remove some shrub and grass cover in CLM5.0 in CESM2.1.2. Since I could not find it in the technical note for CLM, I wanted to ask here what the albedo and snow-masking properties of the shrub and grass PFTs are and how they differ. Thanks...
  12. J

    CLM5 run fails when PFT-level output is requested

    Hi all, I'm running CESM2.1.3 (CLM5.0) and am interested in outputting certain CLM5 variables to do with fire at PFT level. I set up two identical test cases, with the same input files, where one case specified PFT-level output and the other didn't. The latter case ran fine; the former case...
  13. A

    Changing landuse_timeseries file

    Dear Team, I want to run CESM2.1.2 (with CLM5.0) with additional forest cover in some regions. My aim is to use the forest cover of 2015 as a baseline and then afforest transiently until the end of 2100 under an SSP forcing. While I understand how I can adjust the PCT_CROP, PCT_NATVEG and...
  14. A

    Changing PCTs in surfdata

    Dear Team, I am using CLM5.0 with CESM2.1.2 and want to change a surfdata file to add additional tree cover. Thus, I wrote a python script where I am changing the PCT_CROP, PCT_NATVEG and PCT_NAT_PFT variables in the file However, I saw...
  15. liangxiaoru

    Do we need to re spinup after modifying the parameters?

    Dear all We are using the CLM5.0 model to conduct a series of parameter sensitivity experiments. But there are some questions in the process After we modify the parameters, do we need to restart the cold start to make the model reach a new equilibrium and stable state before the final spinup...
  16. liangxiaoru

    The simulation results (GPP and LE) of CLM5.0 differ significantly from the observed values

    Dear all, I used CLM5.0 in CESM2.1.2 for single point simulation, and the simulated site was FR Pue (Puechabon, France) (43.7413, 3.5957) The time is from 2000 to 2014, and the vegetation type is evergreen broad-leaved forest. Atmospheric forcing data from half-hour observations at...
  17. A

    No surface irrigation, VOLR, VOLRMCH in 0.5 degree regional simulation

    What version of the code are you using? ctsm5.2.023 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? None Describe every step you took leading up to the problem: Typical steps for regional case: ./create_newcase --case...
  18. A

    Is BGC-CROP the default setup for SSP simulations?

    Hello everyone, I am very new to CESM and CLM so this might be obvious for others but I could not find a direct answer online. Later on I would like to use the BGC-CROP mode alongside SSP245 input data in a fully-coupled set-up. To get more familiar with CESM2.1.2, I ran some test simulations...
  19. jgx

    Something wrong when creating mapping files for mksurfdata_map

    Rush rush rush! Seeking help I want to create custom resolution surface data, first, I created a SCRIP grid file using ./ -p 47.7333,88.0833 -dx 0.01 -dy 0.01 -n $GRIDNAME successfully but when I run to create mapping files, I get an error: ERROR: Problem on processor...
  20. S

    CLM50%SP to CLM50%BGC on Derecho

    I have been able to successfully build and submit a case using the F2000climo compset with clm5.0:Satellite phenology but am now running into issues trying to run an identical case just with clm5.0:BGC (vert. resol. CN and methane) with prognostic crop. In other words: I ran one experiment...