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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. W

    Errors when generating a mapping file from UGRID to SCRIP format

    Hi there, I am currently conducting an experiment related to MUSICA, using CLM5.0 to create mapping data for surface data production from the file I have encountered an error related to memory reference. The computing node I am using...
  2. M

    How to compile a new module.F90 file putted in src/biogeophys/ at my local CTSM

    Hi, everyone. I recently have got an idea that need to add a new module.F90 which written by myself to change the soil freezing and thawing process. But after I put the new .F90 file in src.clm/biogeophys/, Am I should seek the .F90 file contain the main program and change the calling...
  3. C

    Issues downloading input data in clm5 single point mode

    I'm having some issues downloading input data. I am following this page to do a single point clm 5 run on cesm 2.1.5. I know support for specifying PTS_LAT/PTS_LON in create_newcase was dropped from cime at some point, but I can just change it after the case is created. # create the test...
  4. X

    co2 diagnostic for ssp126

    Hi, all I set a ssp126 and ssp585 simulation for future. I have some confusions about the co2 difference about the ssp126 and ssp585 compset (with anomaly_forcing method). The compset longname is SSP126_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV. The co2 difference can be found in...
  5. K

    A question when I ddd new prescribed moisture streams feature in CESM2

    Hi, everyone. I would like to carry out an experiment with prescribed climatology of soil moisture over the land. I set "use_soil_moisture_streams = .true. ". I think the prescribed soil moisture file will replace the model prognostically determining soil moisture. My question is how often does...
  6. M

    Closing the deposition fluxes of black carbon in CLM5.0

    Hello,every. I am doing tests on black carbon aerosols, I have turned off the black carbon radiation fluxes in the CAM module, now I want to turn off the on-snow black carbon deposition fluxes , I don't know which switch to turn off in which file, any help would be appreciated!
  7. M

    A general question about selecting the right compset to study permafrost

    I would like to (historical) model and (future) project responses of the Canadian permafrost thermal state to climate change on the coupled energy-water-carbon fluxes using the CLM model. For this purpose, which component set do you recommend to use? I have compiled the CLM model (support...
  8. X

    how to run 0.5deg simulation using I2000

    Hi, all, I usually run I2000 with f09_g17 globally, it works well. But now when i change the res from 1deg to f05_g17, the errors appears: alling /users/rxu/CESM/cime/src/components/data_comps_mct/datm/cime_config/buildnml File not found: domainfile =...
  9. NiCosentino

    Soil input files required by BIOME4

    Hi! I want to run preliminary CESM2 PI and LGM simulations to then use their climate/soil output to feed as input for BIOME4. The final objective is to feed PI- and LGM-equilibrated vegetation derived from BIOME4 to CLM5's dust emission scheme. BIOME4 requires gridded fields of 1) soil water...
  10. X

    the error of subgridWeightsMod.F9 running transient land cover using I2000

    Hi, all I set up a case using I2000 but with transient land cover (simulation time 1992-1996), firstly the surfdata and landcover.timseries are all from NCAR, it works well, but when I change it to the modified land cover data, i change surfdata and also landcover.timeseries and 99% confirm...
  11. Q

    Question about stem area index in CLM5.0

    Hi, everyone. I'm trying to do some experiments based on the changes on the stem area index (SAI/Ls). I noticed that in the document of CLM5.0 the stem area index was described as ''Prescribed plant functional type (PFT) stem area index is derived from PFT leaf area index phenology combined with...
  12. W

    How to increase wall insulation in CLMU

    Hi, I want to manually increase the wall insulation in CLMU to assess its impact on the building's space heating and air conditioning fluxes. In the paper by Oleson and Feddema (2020) (, it is mentioned that "For high latitude locations, insulation was added...
  13. X

    The time stamp of landuse.timeseries in IHIST

    Hi, all, I create a IHIST case with the simulation period from 1999-2001, but when I check the logfile, I find the Attempting to read pft dynamic landuse data ..... (GETFIL): attempting to find local file
  14. X

    Questions about clm50cn!!

    Hi, I really don't know where I have a problem here, I just want to run an I2000CLM50CN model, so just do some basic Settings. ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears,STOP_N=170,NTASKS=164 ./case.setup ./ ./case.submit However, I never see the growth of vegetation. In the result, TOTSOMC only...
  15. X

    Question about clm-cn

    Hi, I tried to run I2000CLM50CN composet for ten model years without making any modifications. However, when I checked the output TLAI or GPP, I found that its value was normal in the first year, but it began to decline rapidly in the second year and approached 0. I understood that this meant...
  16. C

    How to set up to run 2014 in Fclimo2000

    Hi,all! I've been having some problems lately. (1)Why did we set up Fclimo2000, to run 2000 alone, and are these kinds of results meant to explain anything? (2)If I want to run 2014 on its own, it's like "Fclimo2014".How do I accomplish this? (3)If I only change the surface data for the year...
  17. H

    default root zone depth of the CESM

    Hello, I'm a new user and want to use the output of the CESM with the CLM5. I just have a simple question about the variable 'BTRAN2', which is the root zone soil wetness factor. I just want to confirm the depth of the root zone in the CESM is 0-0.5m(as written in Lawrence et al. 2019 or...
  18. J

    How to modify the albedo data in usr_nl_cam?

    I want to modify the albedo of certain regions in the coupled model. Is it feasible to specify the values of albedo using grid points in user_nl_cam?
  19. J

    How to transplant my model to Derecho

    Hi, We are developing our own model based on CLM5.0, and we want to move our work from Cheyenne to Derecho. So I'm wondering how can I define derecho as a new machine in my current cime tool? Thank you! Best,
  20. X

    The problem of understanding output variables of CLM.

    Hi~ I was running an I2000CLM50CN experiment recently and had a problem with the results. I first ran this experiment for ten years, and found that FCO2 presents a process from negative to positive. FCO2 is the value CO2 flux to atmosphere (+ to atm), so I think it is a net CO2 flux. While soil...