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  1. jgx

    Variables can be output by running CLM5

    Hi, I would like to know what variables can be output by running CLM5, and where can I find the information
  2. jgx

    Error by running CLM5.0

    Hi, While running the clm5.0.03. The model setup and built has been successful. When I submit the case, it shows the 'run command is mpirun -np 4 /home/clm/cesm/scratch/xinjiang_1/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1 ERROR: RUN FAIL: Command 'mpirun -np 4...
  3. H

    How to incorporate CMIP6 climate anomaly in ISSP-based land model under CESM2.2?

    Hello, I recently created a new case using the "ISSP126Clm50BgcCrop" compset in CESM2.2 to monitor the ISSP-based climate effect. "datm.streams.txt.Anomaly.Forcing.*" were not present in the case directory, so I added the following line to the user_nl_datm. anomaly_forcing =...
  4. jgx

    Cesm.exe fail when executing the time ../bld/cesm.exe

    Hi, While running the clm5.0.35 The model setup and built has been successful. When I executing the time ../bld/cesm.exe in the run directory, it shows the 'ERROR: ERROR in histFileMod.F90 at line 681' and ' Abort(1001) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD...
  5. A

    ERROR: carbon or nitrogen state critically negative ERROR in CNPrecisionControlMod.F90

    Hi I am trying to add two bioenergy crops (switchgrass and Miscanthus) to my CLM5 version within NorESM2 framework, following the instructions here, Add two bioenergy crops (switchgrass and Miscanthus) by yanyanchengHydro · Pull Request #884 · ESCOMP/CTSM . And I could succesfully built the...
  6. J

    Questions about invoking code

    Hello, community. If the previous case is not completed, will modifying the code affect the output results.
  7. N

    CLM output variables (CTSM History Fields)

    Hi, I want to output aerodynamical resistance (RAM1), sensible heat from veg (FSH_V), roughness length over vegetation, sensible heat (Z0HV) and latent heat flux (EFLX_LH_TOT) in CLM model, so I set echo "hist_fincl1='TG','RAM1','Z0HV','Z0HG','FSH_V','FSH_G','EFLX_LH_TOT'" >> user_nl_clm...
  8. D

    The unusual C pool value in soil

    Hello, everyone. I met some issues with the weird values of the soil C pool. I tried to add erosion loss of Carbon in the carbon cycle based on E3SM. But when I read in the value of the soil carbon pool, the value can reach 1.0 x 10E36("soilbiogeochem_carbonstate_inst%decomp_cpools_vr_col")...
  9. W

    How to use my own transient land-use data to make the surface data and landuse_timeseries data?

    Dear all, I have some questions about creating my own surface data and landuse_timeseries data in CLM. (1) I want to analyze the impacts of land use and land-cover changes on terrestrial carbon sink. I have my own land-use data (one category per grid instead of percent type such as LUH2 data) ...
  10. Z

    Some questions when I ./case.setup

    I'm using the CLM5.0 model,after I used the command "./create_newcase --case fcama --compset I2010Clm50Sp --res f09_g17 --machine ubuntu --run-unsupported",then I got in the file of fcama to use "./case.setup",but it responded with error --- Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (8388608, -1)...
  11. J

    Question on running with ISSP case how turn on the FATES module

    Hi, I am trying to run CTSM case with anomaly forcing data which case name is ISSP245Clm50CN. However, I want to adjust to FATES with SSP245. Is this possible? How do I edit this parameter.
  12. L

    CLM - Initialising Soil Temperatures - Segmentation Fault when using a built-in Intel LAPACK function (dgbsv) contained in BandDiagonal.F90

    I have attached the relevant logs for this problem. I am running it on my machine here called Oswald (see config_compilers.xml). I have not made any source code modifications except to print out variables to the logs to try and get to the bottom of the problem. In a nutshell, I think one of...
  13. J

    Question about MEGAN and LAI

    Hi all, I'm running CESM2.2.0 and am looking at the effects of land use on BVOC emissions under different climate scenarios. I have generated surfdata files for CLM5 which I thought were prescribing LAI, as they contain the variable 'monthly LAI'. However, when we run experiments with different...
  14. H

    How to turn ON fire in CESM?

    Hi, I am using CESM2.1.3 FMOZ compset. I tried turning on fire (./xmlchange --append CLM_BLDNML_OPTS=" -fire_emis"), but it always ended with an error message within a minute of job run. ERROR: fire_emissions_init: not able to map bc_a1 to chem species/forcing I have also posted this in another...
  15. H

    compound not found in FireEmis table

    Hello CESM community, I am encountering one ERROR recently when I run a model with the following compset, turning on fire, compset: I2000Clm50BgcCru CLM_BLDNML_OPTS="-fire_emis" After creating the case, I made some changes in user_nl_clm, such as fire_emis_specifier = 'CB1 = 0.5*BC'...
  16. O

    Prescribing irrigation for single point CLM5 case

    Hi everyone, I want to modify the source code of CLM5 to prescribe irrigation from a measured irrigation timeseries for a single point case with my own atmospheric forcings and using BGCcrop. I am wondering what would be the best strategy to go about this. I am thinking of creating a separate...
  17. J

    CLM5 case failure

    Hi all, I have a CLM5 case which sometimes runs, but mostly doesn't. I wanted to ask if there is anything I can do to reduce the high crash rate. I am running over a custom domain (sub-Saharan Africa) at a 0.5 degree resolution and outputting CLM5 history fields per PFT as well as on the...
  18. N

    Why only 28 days output in February in a leap year?

    I found there are only 28 days ouput (e.g., LST ) in February in a leap year (e.g., 2016) by clm5.0, do you konw what's wrong? Is there any paper or website to interpret it ?
  19. S


  20. H

    CESM run error: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR: ionf_mod.F90: 235 :

    hi, I encountered the following error message after the model run for around 1 min. There is no error during case create/build/submit but during case run. I am not sure what is causing this problem. I am using CESM2.1.3, CAM4-chem tropospheric MOZART, CLM5, FMOZ compset. Could anyone suggest to...