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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. K

    Generate surfdata with future urban and vegetation rawdata

    Hi, I prepared a 2020 urban raw data with 0.05 deg resolution and I would like to generate a 2020 surface data based on SSP5RCP8.5. Here are the steps I took in mksurfdata_map tool: Generate namelist: ./ -res 0.9x1.25 -no-crop -years 2010 -debug --ssp_rcp "SSP5-8.5" In the...
  2. S

    How to modify crop simulation parameters?

    Hi guys~ I am using "CLM5.0_BGCcrop" to simulate the NEE of the crop( irrigation and rotation) . There is a difference between the simulated value and the measured value. Should I modify the phenology(e.g. CNPhenologyMod.F90) of rotation crop to improve the simulation accuracy . Looking forward...
  3. M

    How to change atmosphere forcing in clm5.0 in a regional case?

    Dear scientist, I can run a regional case using GSWP3 as atmosphere forcing in clm5.0. Recently, I want to replace the default GSWP3 with my own atmosphere forcing( named CMFD, 700x400, 3hr, 0.1°). Now the CMFD data has been processed to a single file to meet the requirements of the clm...
  4. K

    Calculate effective emissivity of urban and rural area

    Hi, I ran a CLM5 simulation using I2000Clm50SpGs compset with 25km resolution. I am wondering if we can calculate the effective emissivity of urban and rural area from model radiation and temperature output? For example, I tried to calculate emissivity by Stefan-Boltzmann equation using emitted...
  5. M

    How to create irregular surface datasets using a mask in clm5.0?

    Now I can create regular(rectangle) surface datasets using some scripts attached with clm5.0 (, gen_domain etc.), however my study region is irregular, what should I do to ? Is there any instructions to follow? Any suggestion or help is highly appreciated.
  6. M

    How to use mpirun to reduce running time?

    Dear scientist, Now I can successfully run clm5.0 at regional scale and 0.05° spatial resolution. However, it costs lots of time to run. I want it faster but don't konw how to set. The situtaion of my server is as follows: Logical CPU Number: 24 Physical CPU Number: 2 CPU Core Number: 6...
  7. BoHuang

    lnd_import ERROR: Longwave down sent from the atmosphere model is negative or zero

    Dear all, recently, I am working on CAM6 with variable-resolution simulation. I want to run the simulation with FHIST_BGC component set. I build the model and can successfully complete the the simulation for 5 days (STOP_N=5). However, the model always crash when I change the STOP_N to a longer...
  8. BoHuang

    lnd_import ERROR: Longwave down sent from the atmosphere model is negative or zero

    Dear all, recently, I am working on CAM6 with variable-resolution simulation. I want to run the simulation with FHIST_BGC component set. I build the model and can successfully complete the the simulation for 5 days (STOP_N=5). However, the model always crash when I change the STOP_N to a...
  9. M

    Ask about changing surface data in clm5.0

    Dear scientist, Thank you for your previous kind help. With your help, I have successfully run a regional case using clm5.0. One more sentence, Thank you sincerely! Now,I want to run a high-resolution urban area case (this area including urban, crop, vegetation and lake), each grid...
  10. M

    (gridmap_map_read) ERROR: frac_src out of bounds

    Hi, With your kind help, I have ran a single point case using clm5.0 successfully. However, when I want to create a regional case, sth went wrong in the surface data creating process:(gridmap_map_read) ERROR: frac_src out of bounds My esmf version is 7_1_0 (I also tried esmf_8_0_0 but in...
  11. M

    Error in preview_namelists: expect a F90 constant for a namelist instead got

    Dear scientist, Thank you for your previous help. My goal using clm5.0 is to run a simple single point case (in a city) using default forcing data like CRUNCEP or QIAN. The surface data and domain file have been created suffessfully ( I don't know whether their namings are correct or not...
  12. M

    ERROR in mksurfdata_map: netcdf error from domain_read rcode =2 error =No such file or directory

    Dear scientist, Now I'm trying to create a surface dataset for a single point, however ,in the last setp using, it failed. (1) cd /home/shenhf/majun/clm5.0/tools/mksurfdata_map/src (2) gmake (I have changed netcdf settings in Makefile.common, screenshot of changes is attached...
  13. M

    Ask about inputdata download

    Dear scientist, Now I have ported clm5.0 to my centos6. I just want to do a simply test in a city for several days or several months. First I use ./ -ne 32.0,116.5 -sw 29.0,112.0 -i myinfile -o myoutlist to obtain my regional surfacedatasets. Then...
  14. M

    Ask about Z0m(roughness lengths for momentum)in CLM50_Tech_Note

    Dear scientist, Recently, I read the chapter5 "Momentum, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes" in CLM50_Tech_Note, however, a question bothered me . I want to know the Influence factors of Z0m(roughness lengths for momentum), I just found plant height and adjusted for canopy density that...
  15. BoHuang

    CAM6 crashed in FHIST_BGC (compset) with f09_f09_mg17 grid

    Dear all, recently, I am working on development version of CAM6 with SE dyncore. I have worked on the released CESM2.1. My settings work fine. The settings also work in FHS94 compset with f09_f09_mg17 grid. I want use FHIST_BGC and f09_f09_mg17 (./create_newcase --case...
  16. M

    Error when excute :unable to detect the source grid file type

    Dear Scientist, Recently I want to run a regional case (centerpoint is 114.1°E,30.4°N,grid number is 10×10, and the grid resolution is 0.1°×0.1° ) using CRUNCEP as forcing data and Jackson as surface datasets. However, there are two questions bothering me: 1. The correct step is using...
  17. M

    How to create surface datasets in regional simulation using clm5.0

    Dear scientist, Recently I want to run a regional case using CRUNCEP as forcing data and Jackson as surface datasets. However, there are two questions bothering me. 1. The correct step is using mkscripgrid.ncl to create scripgrid file ,then using to create mapping file, then...
  18. MrIgnition

    Running with your own atmosphere forcing

    Hi all, I am trying to run CLM5 using my own atmospheric forcing. I followed the guide on but somethings still appear unclear. 1. the file link_dirtree does not seem to exist in my scripts directory 2. the...
  19. K

    Running CLM with f02g16 resolution

    Hello! I am new to CLM and I am trying to run a case with as fine resolution as I can. I know f02g16 resolution is not supported by NCAR, so I tried to create the domain and surfdata by myself. However, when I following the steps listed in CIME 5.6 document 3.2 Adding Grids, it did not work...
  20. A

    Modifying dust aerosol inventory over a certain region though code modification in CESM2-CLM5

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to add a new inventory for dust aerosols over a certain region in CESM2-CLM5. My objective is to modify dust aerosols over a particular region and add my inventory. So far I have looked into this code in CLM5 which controls the dust emission...