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I'm trying to port the cesm with Fujitsu compiler.
I've managed to build all components that B1850 (we did add the compset difinition since the git-ed source doesn't have this) compset needs, but got this error message in the last (maybe?) step:
mpifrtpx (......)...
I am trying to clone CESM 3.0, I have followed the below steps
Start Clonning
1) swelab@swelab:~$ git clone GitHub - ESCOMP/CESM: The Community Earth System Model ~/CESM
2) swelab@swelab:~/CESM$ ./bin/git-fleximod update
3) mkdir -p /home/swelab/CESM/scratch
4) ./create_newcase --case...
What version of the code are you using?
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
I was trying to port it into Niagara supercomputer (U of Toronto).
1. The config_batch file is firstly modified (please see...
Reposting here as advised from GitHub, apologies.
I am working to port CIME to a new machine.
I have made a fair bit of progress but am now a bit stuck and had some questions I hope you can help with.
In reality the aim is to port CESM 2.x, for which I need to port CIME.
My main question is...
Hello all,
I am porting CESM2.2.2 to a new machine, Sherlock. Using the attached configuration files, I've successfully passed create_newcase, case.setup, and stages, but hit errors at runtime for the test case "b.e20.B1850.f19_g17.test" (compset=B1850, res=f19_g17). It was built...
Hello everyone,
I recently installed the 2.2.2 version of CESM and was trying to run the FHIST simulation using the command
./create_newcase --case test_FHIST --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset FHIST
However, on running the ./case.setup command, I got the error
"ERROR: inputdata root is not a...
What version of the code are you using?
Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
Not yet, just for porting now.
Describe every step you took leading up to the problem:
We want to porting CESM1.2.0 to a HPC machine.
We want to port CESM1 instead of CESM2 because most...
Hi all,
I have two functioning versions of CESM2 ported to the UK HPC ARCHER2 - CESM2.1.3 and CESM2.2.2. As of today, the xmlchange command has stopped working in 2.2.2, though it still works in 2.1.3: e.g.
2.1.3 example
./xmlquery STOP_N
Results in group run_begin_stop_restart...
I have to port CESM2 to a new cluster. The software stack the cluster admins provide is gcc/13.2.0 with openmpi/4.1.6. I can build and run a simple aquaplanet case (QSC4), but not a B-compset like B1850. CESM starts but hangs after a few minutes - still using 100% cpu, but no progress. Somewhere...
Hi all,
I'm porting cesm2_3_alpha17e to my school server (Svante at MIT). It seems to run successfully, but no timing information. No timing output in the ./run/timing/. folder (nothing in checkpoints either), and no timing folder is created in the case directory (attached...
Hi all,
I'm working on a port of CESM2.2.2 to the ARCHER2 HPC in the UK. I can build a case but the run fails with
/work/n02/n02/jking/cesm/CESM2.2.2/runs/F2000_CESM2.2.2_test00/bld/cesm.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or...
Hi there,
I am currently encountering issues while running a case with CESM2.3.alpha17. The problems involve an mpirun error, along with the messages "Submitted job with id None" and "Submitted job case.st_archive with id None". I have attached the cesm.log file, other relevant case...
Hi all,
I'm trying to port CESM2.3.alpha17 to my HPC. When I run the ensemble test for F2000climo after installing the model:
:/$CESMROOT/tools/statistical_ensemble_test> python --case $CESMROOT/runs/F2000climo_CESM2.3.alpha17.uf.0000 --ect cam --uf --mach archer2 --compset...
When I built the CESM1.2. model via the command "./*.build", an error like icc doesn't exist occured as follows:
" /iCESM1_2_0_1_geotrace_n02/models/utils/mct/configure: line 2347: icc: command not found
configure:2356: $? = 127"
But, actually icc exits on derecho...
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to port cesm to a new machine (linux server with no batch system). First, I installed the cesm2.1.5 following the steps described here (Downloading CESM2 (CESM2.1) — CESM CESM2.1 documentation), then created a ~/.cime/config_machines.xml specifically for this machine by...
Dear CESM community,
I am currently setting up CESM2.2.2 for a new machine (Imperial College HPC). The cluster uses pbs, but the job queue is not specified at submit time. Instead, the queue is chosen based on the job's requirements (and specific queue selection by users appears to be...
Dear All,
I am trying to port CESM2.1.3 to a HPC system.
After compiling and installing the required software libraries, I tried to run a test case with compset "B1850".
However, when executing, an error related to 'UnicodeDecodeError' occurred.
The error occurs during the...
Dear CESM Community,
I am a complete newbie with CLM (though I have experience of other land surface models run on UNIX platforms). I have been trying to put together a first run of CLM, but I am completely stuck on the process of creating a CASE.
To cut a long story short, I am trying to do...
Dear all,
Recently I'm porting cesm2.1.3. I create a newcase to test the model. My compset is F2000climo. But the ocn component is stuck when I run this model.
You can see the cpl.log always keep the statue of "Initialize component ocn". I don't know why. Any idea?
The attachment is...
I have a problem in porting CESM2 in cluster server.
I downloaded the cesm2 code by git, and I modified the config_(machines, batch, compiler).xml files.
(I add part for my machine)
but when I test for create_test, I have a error like in image.
Is there any job should I do?
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