Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
Normal Operations
The forums are back online with normal operations. If you notice any issues or errors related to the forums, please reach out to


  1. P

    Calculating ocean heat convergence from VNT

    Dear fellow data processors, I've been running into an issue with calculating zonal mean heat convergence in the ocean in some custom simulations I've run. Apparently, this was calculated for different FAFMIP and OMIP models as...
  2. J

    How was IVTmag computed in CESM2?

    Hi, Can anyone point me to how the 6 hourly IVTmag fields for CESM2 LENS were computed? Sorry if this is out there already, but I haven't been able to hunt it down. I ask, because I'm trying to compare the climatology of the historical runs to ERA5, and IVTmag in CESM is consistently ~8% too...
  3. aswann2


    Are there any currently working scripts for derecho or casper to CMOR-ize CESM output? (I'm assuming no but would love to learn that I am wrong!) If not working, are there still scripts we could read that would contain the info needed to do this by ~hand? - i.e. the variable name and unit...
  4. P

    Can I configure cime to run a postprocessing script after successful archiving?

    Hi, I was wondering if there is some kind of hook where I can include a postprocessing script for CESM2 model runs. Ideally, this script would be called after a st_archive job is completed. I think this could be useful to save storage space: * only save wind speeds at desired levels...
  5. aswann2

    CESM postprocess timeseries not working - empty slices?

    Hi All, I'm trying to process some CESM2 output into timeseries files using the CESM_postprocessing tools. I used the tool sucessfully this week for one experiment, but it is failing to generate output on a different experiment. The log files indicate that everything worked, but the script...
  6. B

    CESM_postprocessing ice_averages missing grid files

    Hey, hope I'm not posting this in the wrong place. I'm trying to run post processing for cice but the config file in CESM_postprocessing: diagnostics/diagnostics/ice/Config/config_diags_ice.xml refers to grid files that are not on the model_diagnistics svn. Specifically ICEDIAG_GRIDFILECONT...