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CESM postprocess timeseries not working - empty slices?


Abigail Swann
New Member
Hi All,

I'm trying to process some CESM2 output into timeseries files using the CESM_postprocessing tools. I used the tool sucessfully this week for one experiment, but it is failing to generate output on a different experiment.

The log files indicate that everything worked, but the script stopped immediately after starting without creating any "proc" directories or any timesereis files. I suspect the issue might be related to the fact that the ts_status.log file shows empty slices (my successful run had numbers in the brackets after slices:
`{"cam.h0": {"index": 0, "slices": []}}`

This case is just trying to process cam h0 files. I eventually want to also process cam.h1 and clm.h0, h1, h2.

The script I'm using to setup the code and submit it is here:

the postprocessing code gets generated here:

and the original output is here:

Any thoughts on what is wrong? If it's the empty slices how do I go about fixing that?

Thanks for any help or insight you can provide!


Abigail Swann
New Member
I figured out that this was because Cheyenne couldn't read the folder on campaign to access the data. We moved the output to a different folder on campaign that Cheyenne can read and now the scripts run.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Glad you got it working. I am working on getting these working on casper in preparation for cheyenne going away.