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3D cloud droplet field

James King

James King
Hi all,
Quick and hopefully easy question. I'm looking for a CAM6 output field which will give me cloud droplet number concentration on pressure levels (i.e. a 3D version of CDNUMC) for some offline calculations. I think I might want AWNC ('Average cloud water number conc') or ICWNC ('Prognostic in-cloud water number conc'), but there is also NUMLIQ ('Grid box averaged cloud liquid number') used in the calculation of CDNUMC. Which field most closely fits what I am looking for?


Cheryl Craig
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Perhaps a scientist will answer this question and identify a field which you can use. In the meantime, here is an answer from the software side of things.

Inside src/physics/cam/micro_pumas_cam.F90, I see that CDNUMC is calculated as:

cdnumc_grid(:ngrdcol) = sum(nc_grid(:ngrdcol,top_lev:pver) * &
pdel_grid(:ngrdcol,top_lev:pver)/gravit, dim=2)

The field nc_grid does not appear to be output. You could add your own addfld/outfld call for this variable if that turns out to be what you want.