I want to do a set of AGCM abrupt4xCO2+uniform 4K SST warming large ensemble simulation branching off from a control run. The goal of this experiment is to look at the instant atmosphere circulation responses to both SST warming and directive radiative forcing, so changes in every hours (days) after abrupt forcing matter. I want the land and ocean warm all together at the beginning of each branch run, but the land only starts to warm after about 20 days after abrupt4xCO2.
Since land and atmosphere are tightly coupled together, I can't directly modify the land temperature. I have tried to modify all the temperature related variables in the land restart files and apparently this method does not work. Are there any other ways to work around this problem?
Thank you so much!
I want to do a set of AGCM abrupt4xCO2+uniform 4K SST warming large ensemble simulation branching off from a control run. The goal of this experiment is to look at the instant atmosphere circulation responses to both SST warming and directive radiative forcing, so changes in every hours (days) after abrupt forcing matter. I want the land and ocean warm all together at the beginning of each branch run, but the land only starts to warm after about 20 days after abrupt4xCO2.
Since land and atmosphere are tightly coupled together, I can't directly modify the land temperature. I have tried to modify all the temperature related variables in the land restart files and apparently this method does not work. Are there any other ways to work around this problem?
Thank you so much!