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BSSP component sets and baseline states


Alvin C.G. Varquez
I hope that this thread can be useful for everyone.

Let's say, I have run the following,

./create_newcase --case BSSP245cmip6 --res f09_g17 --compset BSSP245cmip6

in a ported machine (CESM 2.1.3) and I've tested that the simulation could complete successfully.

I have a few questions regarding setting RUN_TYPE=startup in env_run.xml under the above compset.

1. Which files in the case folder (e.g. ./BSSP245cmip6/) can we know the specific details of its baseline states?
2. As a specific question to the BSSP cases, if we set a RUN_STARTDATE=2020-01-01, will the baseline state try its best to fit to the real (earth) time year 2020 or if not, how do we know which actual year is it initializing?

If there is a specific reference or tutorial, please feel free to share the link.

Thanks a lot!


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
A startup type for a given compset, is NOT going to match startup data based on the RUN_STARTDATE. Each component is going to figure out startup initial conditions based on other information for the compset (I think this is what you mean by "baseline states"). Each component has a different way to tell you what the initial conditions are going to be for it. But, this is all going to be in the namelist files for the case. So you should be able to look in the CASE CaseDocs directory to examine the namelist files and figure out what the initial conditions are for each model component.