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Build successfully ,but submit failed. The cesm.log is about the usage of ./mpiexec.


New Member
Hi all,
I'm new to learn CESM. I use CESM2.1.1.After porting to my machine. build is successfully,but submit failed. The cesm.log is about the usage of ./mpiexec.Could you give me some advice? Here it is the log :

Usage: ./mpiexec [global opts] [local opts for exec1] [exec1] [exec1 args] : [local opts for exec2] [exec2] [exec2 args] : ...

Global options (passed to all executables):

Global environment options:
-genv {name} {value} environment variable name and value
-genvlist {env1,env2,...} environment variable list to pass
-genvnone do not pass any environment variables
-genvall pass all environment variables not managed
by the launcher (default)

Other global options:
-f {name} file containing the host names
-hosts {host list} comma separated host list

Local options (passed to individual executables):

Other local options:
-n/-np {value} number of processes
{exec_name} {args} executable name and arguments

Hydra specific options (treated as global):

Launch options:
-launcher launcher to use (ssh slurm rsh ll sge pbsdsh pdsh srun lsf blaunch qrsh)
-launcher-exec executable to use to launch processes
-enable-x/-disable-x enable or disable X forwarding

Resource management kernel options:
-rmk resource management kernel to use (slurm ll lsf sge pbs cobalt)

Processor topology options:
-bind-to process binding
-map-by process mapping
-membind memory binding policy

Other Hydra options:
-verbose verbose mode
-info build information
-print-all-exitcodes print exit codes of all processes
-ppn processes per node
-prepend-rank prepend rank to output
-prepend-pattern prepend pattern to output
-outfile-pattern direct stdout to file
-errfile-pattern direct stderr to file
-nameserver name server information (host:port format)
-disable-auto-cleanup don't cleanup processes on error
-disable-hostname-propagation let MPICH auto-detect the hostname
-localhost local hostname for the launching node
-usize universe size (SYSTEM, INFINITE, <value>)

Intel(R) MPI Library specific options:

Global options:
-aps Intel(R) Application Performance Snapshot profile
-mps Intel(R) Application Performance Snapshot profile (MPI, OpenMP only)
-gtool tool and rank set
-gtoolfile file containing tool and rank set

Other Hydra options:
-iface network interface to use
-s <spec> redirect stdin to all or 1,2 or 2-4,6 MPI processes (0 by default)

Intel(R) MPI Library, Version 2019 Update 1 Build 20181016 (id: 1f6a76f43)
Copyright (C) 2003-2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.


  • cesm.log.6447.200705-234545.txt
    3.1 KB · Views: 9


New Member
Here is the result of
cat CaseStatus
2020-07-05 23:45:31: success
2020-07-05 23:45:43: case.submit starting
2020-07-05 23:45:45: case.submit success, case.st_archive:6448
2020-07-05 23:45:45: starting
2020-07-05 23:45:47: model execution starting
2020-07-05 23:45:47: model execution success
2020-07-05 23:45:47: error
ERROR: Model did not complete - see /share/home/liujunzhi/liujunzhi/apps/cesm_datafile/scratch/23_Day2Brazil/run/cpl.log.6447.200705-234545


New Member
What is the result of running ./preview_run from the case directory?
Hi Jedwards,
Thanks for your reply.My problem has been solved. The error is lead by mpi. Mpi variables were not fully added. After adding the commands:
source /share/apps/intel2019/impi/2019.1.144/intel64/bin/
source /share/apps/intel2019/compilers_and_libraries_2019.1.144/linux/bin/ intel64
to my .bashrc, the problem solved.