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Calculating ocean heat convergence from VNT


New Member
Dear fellow data processors,

I've been running into an issue with calculating zonal mean heat convergence in the ocean in some custom simulations I've run.
Apparently, this was calculated for different FAFMIP and OMIP models as "opottemprmadvecttendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_residual_mean_advection", but I haven't found any mention of this in CESM2 output.

What I do have, is "VNT" or "Flux of Heat in grid-y direction", which seems perfect for calculating zonal mean ocean heat convergence. However, I'm getting odd values in the Southern ocean, North Atlantic, and along most coastlines, through most levels of z_t (see attached).
Am I on the right track for calculating zonal ocean heat convergence? Is there some processing that is needed, especially in terms of converting from the curvilinear grid to a regular grid (more than just "cdo -remapbil,n64")?

Using CESM 2.1.2, release-cesm2.1.2.
This is happening in my control run, made using "--res f19_g17 --compset B1850cmip6 --compiler intel --mpilib impi"


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