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Celia Pérez Souto

Celia Pérez Souto
New Member
Hi everybody,We are trying to build a first case in CESM2.1.3 to our new supercomputer FinisTerrae3, at the Galician Supercomputing Centre. When running the case, it fails because an ERROR MAPZ_MODULE (see below). Does anyone know how to fix this error? Thanks in advance.
(Opening file for output;
Write output at start of run and every 1.00000000000000 years
Creating variables internal_time, time, and tstep_count
Creating variable level
Creating variable lithoz
Creating variable staglevel
Creating variable stagwbndlevel
Creating variable x0
Creating variable x1
Creating variable y0
Creating variable y1
Creating variable artm
Creating variable smb
Creating variable thk
Creating variable topg
Creating variable usurf
Writing to file at time 0.00000
MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: RGSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
MCT::m_Router::initp_: GSMap indices not increasing...Will correct
SHR_REPROSUM_CALC: Input contains 0.79200E+04 NaNs and 0.00000E+00 INFs on process 1
ERROR: shr_reprosum_calc ERROR: NaNs or INFs in input
ERROR: shr_reprosum_calc ERROR: NaNs or INFs in input
SHR_REPROSUM_CALC: Input contains 0.79200E+04 NaNs and 0.00000E+00 INFs on process 254
SHR_REPROSUM_CALC: Input contains 0.79200E+04 NaNs and 0.00000E+00 INFs on process 3
ERROR: shr_reprosum_calc ERROR: NaNs or INFs in input
ERROR: shr_reprosum_calc ERROR: NaNs or INFs in input
mapz error - k0found i j k (kk,pe1,pe2) = -1 1 4
1 1 -7.61125052102917 -7.61125052102917
2 NaN -7.17977969322402 3
NaN -6.74830883018011 4
NaN -6.31698672836312 5
NaN -5.88584582055690 6
NaN -5.45492615615486 7
NaN -5.02427732367578 8
NaN -4.59395661358440 9
NaN -4.16403737896183 10
NaN -3.73460450560220 11
NaN -3.30576864637399 12
NaN -2.87765568094007 13
NaN -2.45042294112943 14
NaN -2.02425828150638 15
NaN -1.59939257906499 16
NaN -1.17609567875935 17
NaN -0.754700375234661 18
NaN -0.335600536549681 19
NaN 8.074028733469144E-002 20
NaN 0.493766200776559 21
NaN 0.902828523161795 22
NaN 1.30717590693102 23
NaN 1.70593390694425 24
NaN 2.09811722280967 25
NaN 2.48261863071880 26
NaN 2.85821658688000 27
NaN 3.22360162759390 28
NaN 3.57739913275513 29
NaN 3.91821656962763 30
NaN 4.24469785517381 31
NaN 4.55559286768598 32
NaN 4.84982856756351 33
NaN 5.12657629779775 34
NaN 5.38531383155508 35
NaN 5.62586244360389 36
SHR_REPROSUM_CALC: Input contains 0.79200E+04 NaNs and 0.00000E+00 INFs on process 253)



CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I assume with is with the FV (finite volume) dynamical core. These errors are usually an indication that dynamics substepping needs to increase. Try increasing the setting of fv_nsplit and fv_nspltvrm namelist parameters.
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Celia Pérez Souto

Celia Pérez Souto
New Member
Thank you for your reply. I have increased the parameters fv_nsplit and fv_nspltvrm, and the MAPZ_MODULE error has disappeared; however it still crashes. Please find attached the error log. Could it be a computer configuration problem when changing these parameters? Is there anything I can do to fix it? Thank you!
I assume with is with the FV (finite volume) dynamical core. These errors are usually an indication that dynamics substepping needs to increase. Try increasing the setting of fv_nsplit and fv_nspltvrm namelist parameters.


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