Hi all, I am new to CLM model, and I would like to ask a question about the fertilization rate in CLM5. I was doing simple test on one grid cell to see the impact of fertilization rate on hydrological variables (e.g., evaporation). I ran the offline CLM5 simulation with compset I2000Clm50BgcCropGs using CESM2.1.3 for 2 years, res=CLM_USRDAT, and this grid cell is fully coved by CFT45 (rainfed foddergrass). The constant fertilization rate for this crop is 4.1 gN/m^2/yr. To my understanding, fertilizer application in CLM continues for 20 days during the leaf emergence phase, and the fertilizer rate is same during these 20 days. I am confused by my output.
- In the first year’s output, there are 20 days with NFERTILIZATION=1.737E-07 gN/m^2/s
- While in the second year’s output, there are 19 days with NFERTILIZATION=1.737E-07 gN/m^2/s, 1 day with NFERTILIZATION=1.158E-07 gN/m^2/s, and 1 day with NFERTILIZATION=5.789E-08 gN/m^2/s (Note: 1.158E-07+5.789E-08=1.737E-07)
- In each year’s output, the total added fertilizer is 0.3 gN/m^2 (1.737E-07 gN/m^2/s * 20 days * 86400 s/day), this number is much smaller than 4.1 gN/m^2/yr set in the surface data.
- For the second year’s output, I have no idea why there are 21 days having fertilizer added.