Hi Bill,Thanks for you reply.I have run into trouble regridding this file:Starting weight generation with these inputs:
Source File:
Destination File:
Weight File:
Source File is in UGRID format, dummy variable: landmesh
Source Grid is a global grid
Source Grid is an unstructured grid
Destination File is in SCRIP format
Destination Grid is a regional grid
Destination Grid is a logically rectangular grid
Regrid Method: conserve
Pole option: NONE
Ignore unmapped destination points
Output weight file in NetCDF4 file format
Norm Type: dstarea ERROR: Problem on processor 0
. Please see the PET*.RegridWeightGen.Log files for a traceback.
Error status returned from mkmapdata scriptIn PET0.RegridWeightGen.Log :20150103 135558.359 ERROR PET0 ESMCI_Mesh_F.C:1203 c_esmc_meshcreate() Internal error: Bad condition St9bad_alloc
20150103 135558.510 ERROR PET0 ESMF_Mesh.F90:682 ESMF_MeshAddElements() Internal error: Bad condition - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20150103 135558.524 ERROR PET0 ESMF_Mesh.F90:3295 ESMF_MeshCreateFromUnstruct() Internal error: Bad condition - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20150103 135559.582 ERROR PET0 ESMF_Mesh.F90:1751 ESMF_MeshCreateFromFile() Internal error: Bad condition - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20150103 135559.591 ERROR PET0 ESMF_RegridWeightGen.F90:945 ESMF_RegridWeightGenFile Internal error: Bad condition - Internal subroutine call returned Error How can I solve this problem, if I want to run CLM4.5 on my cluster ? And another problem alse puzzled me for a long time : I have created my own atmosphere focing, but it can't be read by the model. The atmosphere focing on my cluster is like this : 2010-01.nc 2010-03.nc 2010-05.nc 2010-07.nc 2010-09.nc 2010-11.nc
2010-02.nc 2010-04.nc 2010-06.nc 2010-08.nc 2010-10.nc 2010-12.ncnetcdf 2010-01 {
scalar = 1 ;
lon = 1 ;
lat = 1 ;
time = UNLIMITED ; // (1488 currently)
double time(time) ;
time:long_name = "observation time" ;
time:units = "days since 2010-01-01 00:00:00" ;
double EDGEW(scalar) ;
EDGEW:long_name = "western edge in atmospheric data" ;
EDGEW:units = "degrees E" ;
double EDGEE(scalar) ;
EDGEE:long_name = "eastern edge in atmospheric data" ;
EDGEE:units = "degrees E" ;
double EDGES(scalar) ;
EDGES:long_name = "southern edge in atmospheric data" ;
EDGES:units = "degrees N" ;
double EDGEN(scalar) ;
EDGEN:long_name = "northern edge in atmospheric data" ;
EDGEN:units = "degrees N" ;
double LONGXY(lat, lon) ;
LONGXY:long_name = "longtitude" ;
LONGXY:units = "degrees E" ;
double LATIXY(lat, lon) ;
LATIXY:long_name = "latitude" ;
LATIXY:units = "degrees N" ;
double FSDS(time, lat, lon) ;
FSDS:long_name = "incident solar(FSDS)" ;
FSDS:units = "W/m2" ;
double FLDS(time, lat, lon) ;
FLDS:long_name = "incident longwave(FLDS)" ;
FLDS:units = "W/m2" ;
double PRECTmms(time, lat, lon) ;
PRECTmms:long_name = "precipitation (PRECTmms)" ;
PRECTmms:units = "mm/s" ;
double TBOT(time, lat, lon) ;
TBOT:long_name = "temperature at the lowest atm level(TBOT)" ;
TBOT:units = "K" ;
double WIND(time, lat, lon) ;
WIND:long_name = "wind at the lowest atm level(WIND)" ;
WIND:units = "m/s" ;
double PSRF(time, lat, lon) ;
PSRF:long_name = "pressure at the lowest atm level(PSRF)" ;
PSRF:units = "Pa" ;
double RH(time, lat, lon) ;
RH:long_name = "relative humidity at the lowest atm level(RH)" ;
RH:units = "%" ;
double ZBOT(time, lat, lon) ;
ZBOT:long_name = "observational height" ;
ZBOT:units = "m" ;
} If you know how to deal with this problem, I hope you can give me a help. Thank you in advance.