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How to generate surface datasets using my own land use data

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I use ncdump-h to view my inputdata format. I got this :ncdump: NetCDF: Unknown file format.
I modified this dataset by python and view the variable, dimensions.


@oleson. Now I modify the surfdata and keep the sum is 1 as you mentioned in the surfrd_get_data ERROR: sum of wt_lunit not 1.0. But I got the erro like :
Not a valid ID
Abort(1) on node 1 (rank 1 in comm 0): application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 1
pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR: ionf_mod.F90: 235 :

The error report will be in attach files.
It seems I solved the problem. The fomat of surfdata modified by python is HDF4,not the standard format for CLM. I run this model for 3 hours. I got 2 years data and a new issue :

I looked the log file for atm,lnd.... I can't see any obvious error. Is there any detail I missed?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
You'll have to attach all of the log files for us to help further.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
If you look at your log file (slurm-XXX.out) closely, you will see a traceback of where the error is occurring:

cesm.exe 0000000001A026BC glcbehaviormod_mp 657 glcBehaviorMod.F90

So I would start by looking at line 657 of glcBehaviorMod.F90


If you look at your log file (slurm-XXX.out) closely, you will see a traceback of where the error is occurring:

cesm.exe 0000000001A026BC glcbehaviormod_mp 657 glcBehaviorMod.F90

So I would start by looking at line 657 of glcBehaviorMod.F90
Thanks @oleson. I think the problem solved. I think maybe the process out of access. So I change the OMP and change the compute node, model work.


Hi,@oleson, I changed the surfdata for the Fclimo2000. And I spinup 50 years for the equilibrium. Now, I want to continue to run 50year without spinup. Accroding to the the-biogeochemistry-BGC-spinup , I just need to definit the finit data as the restart file. I have some question as below:
1) That's mean I just create a new case with the same compset and definit the finit data as the restart file? I also change the surfdata, do I need to definit the path,too?
2) Do I need to set the Run type as "Branch", Run REFCASE as Spinup-case and Run REFDATE as the restart time? By the way, I'm curious about the restart time becasuse I got a file named "" . The "0001-02-01-00000" seems mean the the restart time, it's mean the first year of Spinup? How can I choose the restart time?


Staff member
1) Yes, create a new case with the same compset and set finidat = the restart file. Use the same fsurdat file as you used in the spin-up case. If I understand your question then, yes, you should always specify the new fsurdat in user_nl_clm, otherwise the model doesn't know about it.
2) You could set the run as branch, but it's simpler as startup, because you do not have to worry about all that other stuff. However, is a "history" file, not a "restart" file. At the end of a 50-yr run, the restart file should be or something like that.
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