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iCESM 1.2 on Cheyenne - error at cesm_setup step


Andrea Moore
New Member

I am trying to run an iCESM experiment on Cheyenne using the following parameters:
create_newcase -case ~/cases/test_case -res f19_g16 -compset B1850 -mach cheyenne

I have followed the instructions listed here and in this thread, but am getting the following errors at the cesm_setup step:

andreamo@cheyenne1:~/cases/test_case> ./cesm_setup
Creating Macros file for cheyenne
/glade/u/home/andreamo/iCESM1.2/scripts/ccsm_utils/Machines/config_compilers.xml intel cheyenne
Creating batch script
PHASE is set_batch
mppsize is 64 2
PHASE is set_exe
Locking file env_mach_pes.xml
Creating user_nl_xxx files for components and cpl
Running preview_namelist script
 infile is /glade/u/home/andreamo/cases/test_case/Buildconf/cplconf/cesm_namelist
CAM build-namelist - ERROR: Specifying solar_const with RRTMG or WACCM is not allowed.
ERROR: cam.buildnml.csh failed
ERROR: /glade/u/home/andreamo/cases/test_case/preview_namelists failed: 25344

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


Andrea Moore
New Member
I seem to have solved my own issue. It looks like the compset I chose for my initial test run (B1850) uses CAM4, and I specified CAM5 in my env_build.xml file, which may have caused a conflict. I've switched to B1850C5CN, and everything seems to be running smoothly.


Andrea Moore
New Member
I have a new problem with a new test case I've started using one of @jiangzhu 's iCESM Holocene time slice restart files (b.e12.B1850C5.f19_g16.i09ka.01):

create_newcase --case /glade/u/home/andreamo/cases/test1 --res f19_g16 --compset B1850C5CN --mach cheyenne
RUN_TYPE = “branch”
RUN_REFCASE = “b.e12.B1850C5.f19_g16.i09ka.01”
RUN_REFDATE = “0901-01-01”
Macros script already created ...skipping
 Machine/Decomp/Pes configuration has already been done ...skipping
 Running preview_namelist script
 infile is /glade/u/home/andreamo/cases/test1/Buildconf/cplconf/cesm_namelist
CAM writing dry deposition namelist to drv_flds_in
CAM writing namelist to atm_in
CLM configure done.
CLM adding use_case 1850_control defaults for var sim_year with val 1850
CLM adding use_case 1850_control defaults for var sim_year_range with val constant
CLM adding use_case 1850_control defaults for var stream_year_first_ndep with val 185
CLM adding use_case 1850_control defaults for var stream_year_last_ndep with val 1850
CLM adding use_case 1850_control defaults for var use_case_desc with val Conditions to simulate 1850 land-use
CICE configure done.
POP2 build-namelist: ocn_grid is gx1v6
POP2 build-namelist: ocn_tracer_modules are  iage wiso
::ERROR(Build::Namelist::_parse_next): expect a equal '=' sign instead got:
ERROR: rtm.buildnml.csh failed
ERROR: /glade/u/home/andreamo/cases/test1/preview_namelists failed: 25344

If I'm reading the error output correctly, this seems to be an issue with RTM namelist creation.
From env_run.xml:
<!--"RTM build-namelist options (char) " →
<entry id="RTM_BLDNML_OPTS"   value="-simyr 1850"  />
<!--"RTM specific namelist settings (char) " →
<entry id="RTM_NAMELIST_OPTS"   value=""  />

Should there be a different value specified for RTM_BLDNML_OPTS or RTM_NAMELIST_OPTS? Any help is appreciated.


Andrea Moore
New Member
It looks like there is a bug in the rtm.buildnml.csh script related to branch runs. I followed the steps in this post and the setup was able to complete.