Good day! I wanted to ask some clarifications on the CLM gridcell level outputs. I am currently running CLM4.5 coupled with a RegCM model, and I have two experiments, one using the default vegetation cover and the other being the updated 2020 cover with evident deforestation in large areas. Upon checking the results of the two setups, I found evident differences in sensible heat flux and minimal changes in latent heat flux. In order to explore the resulting latent heat flux, I wanted to at look its components in the LSM, which at a gridcell level is available for soil evaporation, canopy evaporation, and canopy transportation in the h0 CLM history files. In this case, I wanted to ask if it would be possible to estimate for the evaporation and transportation in the vegetation at the PFT level using the given gridcell values? Any comments or suggestions will be highly appreciated! Thank you!