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modify the RUN_REFCASE to the continue_run casename


Hi,all !
I want to know can i set the RUN_REFCASE as the continue_run casename. Because the server's calculations are always stuck, I have to continue run for one case frequently.

To be specific:The first run casename is set as 1850_2000, and the continue_run casename is 1850_2000_continue.
The first time I want to CONTINUE_RUN, I have to set the RUN_REFCASE as 1850_2000.
If the 1850_2000_continue case stuck, I have to recreate new continue_run case like 1850_2000_continue2... But it is very tedious, you should reset the RUN_REFCASE and re-copy the rpointer files, the restart files.
I want to know, if i modify the RUN_REFCASE to continue_run casename, the continue_run task will work? For example, I want to continue_run the 1850_2000_continue case. Can I just modify the RUN_REFCASE=1850_2000_continue,the new RUN_REFDATE and resubmit it,in the 1850_2000_continue case?


Cretainly, Change the CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE is meet my need.
@CGL if you answered your question with CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE, that's great!
Otherwise, you can also continue a simulation as a branch or hybrid by using the RUN_REF settings.