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No Expected Cooling in Volcano Forcing Experiment


New Member
Dear all,
I ran a simulation using CESM1.2.2 with CAM4 as the atmospheric component (compset B1850, resolution f19_g16). The simulation includes both a control experiment and a volcanic forcing experiment (both hybrid runs). The only difference between the two experiments is the inclusion of volcanic forcing in the latter:

prescribed_volcaero_datapath ='/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/volc'
prescribed_volcaero_file =''
prescribed_volcaero_type ='SERIAL'
rad_climate = 'A:Q:H2O', 'N:O2:O2',
'N:CO2:CO2', 'N:ozone:O3',
'N:N2O:N2O', 'N:CH4:CH4',
'N:CFC11:CFC11', 'N:CFC12:CFC12',
'N:sulf:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:dust1:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
'N:dust2:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:dust3:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
'N:dust4:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:bcar1:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
'N:bcar2:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:ocar1:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
'N:ocar2:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:SSLTA:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
'N:SSLTC:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:VOLC_MMR:/public1/home/sc91441/cesm_inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'

However, in the volcanic forcing experiment, I am not observing the expected cooling. Instead, there seems to be an increase in the clearsky downwelling solar flux at the surface. I have attached my user_nl_cam file for reference.

Please let me know what changes are required, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance for your help!

Best regards,


  • user_nl_cam.txt
    4.7 KB · Views: 1
  • tas.png
    645.4 KB · Views: 2
  • AOD.png
    304.9 KB · Views: 2
  • FSDSC.png
    384.6 KB · Views: 2


Courtney Peverley
Staff member

If you get a spare moment, could you describe what the problem was and how it was solved (unless you think it's irrelevant)? It would be helpful for the next person who encounters this issue!

Thank you!