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Problems running CTSM

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Oscar Gamba
New Member
Hi everyone!

My university is trying to know the CLM to use it in futures projects but anyone has experience with this or with another configuration of the CESM. So we are struggling with some stuffs that I will try to explain:

The idea is try to run CTSM/CLM in our own platform (blade), so what I really need is to port CTSM and run it. None in the university has experience with this, so we have not ran any of the configurations of the CESM before.
I already cloned in our platform the code from GitHub - ESCOMP/CTSM: Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM). After that I got the additional code from external repositories with:


Now with the documentation gotten I am trying to follow the quick start guide CLM5.0, and in the 1.2.2. Customizing CLM’s Configuration section it says "The CLM “configure” and “build-namelist” scripts are both available in the “$CTSMROOT/bld” directory in the distribution", but when I go to the bld folder I just find the build-namelist script, the configure script is missing, I looked for it in all the other folders in the code but it is not, I attached an image of the content of my bld folder. I need the configure script to continue with the quick guide and I am stuck in this step.

I do not know if I am missing some steps to get the complete CTSM code or if I need some specific configurations in my machine to run it.

I would appreciate any feedback that you can provide to me, as I wrote none has experience with this and I have looked on internet for some solutions but anything works.


Staff member
Since you are a new user, I recommend skipping all the sections discussing "customizing" your simulations. Instead follow the basic steps for submitting an "out-of-the-box" simulation:
0) You already ran ./manage_externals/checkout_externals, so proceed to the next step
1) ./create_newcase with certain required options that you must select, such as --res and --compset
2) ./case.setup
3) ./
4) ./case.submit
When your simulation works, consider going back to the customization sections if you wish to customize something.
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Staff member
Here is an example of step 1 above:
./create_newcase --case oscargamba93 --compset I1850Clm50Sp --res f10_f10_mg37 --run-unsupported


Oscar Gamba
New Member
Thank you so much for your answer. Know I have a bit more clear how it works. However, trying your suggestions I am getting some errors that I could not figure them out. I attached and image with the errors. For the first error I just tried the example you provided me in the folder /CTSM/cime/scripts, but I do not really understand what this error means. In the second error I am trying to follow the section "1.6.3. Running Single Point Configurations" and just trying to get the list of supported dataset resolutions that error appears what is really strange about the config_cache.xml. Finally for the third error I am trying to create the new case same as the guide indicates but this error is the result and when I do some changes in the compset and resolution, for example writting the same as the example you gave me, again the error of not available target appeares.

I would really appreciate any help. I am trying to solving by my self but I have not been able to solve it.


  • CLM5.0.jpg
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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The first error is associated with the fact that CIME doesn't recognize your machine. Has anyone pointed you to the porting instructions?

The instructions for running the command shown in the second error must be old, I don't recall that being required.

The third errors (the warnings) are due to the fact that you aren't using "--" in your specification of case, res, and compset.
You are getting the last error because "1x1" is not a supported grid. You can check available grids by running ./query_config --grids in cime/scripts. 1x1_brazil is supported for example. You'll need to add --run-unsupported to your create_newcase command.


Oscar Gamba
New Member
The first error is associated with the fact that CIME doesn't recognize your machine. Has anyone pointed you to the porting instructions?

The instructions for running the command shown in the second error must be old, I don't recall that being required.

The third errors (the warnings) are due to the fact that you aren't using "--" in your specification of case, res, and compset.
You are getting the last error because "1x1" is not a supported grid. You can check available grids by running ./query_config --grids in cime/scripts. 1x1_brazil is supported for example. You'll need to add --run-unsupported to your create_newcase command.
Thanks so much for your answer. Actually I have not followed the porting instructions, In the tutorials that I have seen and in the documentations they do not mention it as a prerequisite, but I will try to follow it. I am confused because in all the documentations I have read it is not mentioned that I have to install the model in some way, they give information just to clon the code and to check out the externals but, It is not neccesary to install the model to run it? or I do not need to compile something to run the model?

Thanks again.


Staff member
I will try to explain a bit about porting, though it is not my expertise:
The model has been tested on specific computers (e.g. cheyenne) and with specific compilers. The porting instructions help users port the model to other computers/compilers. It may help to think of porting as the installation process. Similar to selecting whether you install some software on a Mac or a PC but can't install the same software on some other platform. So in a similar way, there is no guarantee that the model will work on every computer and with every compiler. The way to find out is by following the porting instructions.
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