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Query regarding table_id 'Aermon' and 'Amon'


New Member
Hi, recently while going through the CMIP6 output I came across these 2 table ids. I dont quite understand what is the difference between them, although I have looked them up in the relevant documents. It just says Amon is atmospheric monthly data whereas Aermon is atmospheric chemistry and aerosol monthly data. If someone could describe it in a little more detail, that would be helpful. Thanks.


New Member
"AERmon" was a new table added for CMIP6 with additional variables deemed not suitable for the older "Amon" table.
Hi, thanks for the reply. So, is there any difference in the model configuration or anything, e.g., aermon is run with a more comprehensive atmospheric chemistry and aerosol scheme while amon is not? And what would be the difference in the two tables for the same variable, e.g., 'ua' in amon vs aermon? Or can you just point me to documents/resources which have info about this in more detail? Thanks!
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Staff member
Hi, thanks for the reply. So, is there any difference in the model configuration or anything, e.g., aermon is run with a more comprehensive atmospheric chemistry and aerosol scheme while amon is not? And what would be the difference in the two tables for the same variable, e.g., 'ua' in amon vs aermon? Or can you just point me to documents/resources which have info about this in more detail? Thanks!
There were no changes in model configuration for data that's in Amon vs AERmon. The "ua" field in AERmon is the original "U" data from CESM; in Amon the "ua" data are "U" but interpolated to a set of pressure levels. AERmon was a new table in CMIP6 compared to CMIP5 and was designed to meet the needs of AerChemMIP.

There's a GMD paper on the CMIP6 data request at

as a good starting point.
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New Member
Hey, so the CESM2 Amon output from 1950-1999 for the hist-aer experiment (variables: ua, va, ta) still seems to be missing from the ESGF site. Is there any where else I could access this data?
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