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Questions about using F_TUV method in WACCM or CAM-Chem


New Member
What version of the code are you using?

CESM2.1.3, cam6, clm5​

Have you made any changes to files in the source tree?
I haven't change the code. I want to run a base case successfully at first.​

Describe your problem or question:

I have tried different compsets, including FCSD, FC2010climo, FC2000climo, FWHIST, FW2010climo, FW1850, FWsc2010climo, FWSD, to use F_TUV method to calcuate the photolysis rate inline.

The changes in namelist is all the same: set the "xactive_prates" to ".true.", and set the "tuv_xsect_file" to "/input/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/phot/".

These cases were successfully submitted, but ceased after a few seconds. The first bug hinted in the log file is (see attached file named "cesm.log.24392.txt")

ERROR: Unknown error submitted to shr_abort_abort.
tuv_inti : jonitr alias jch3cho not in dataset

In the, the jch3cho is divided into three parts: jch3cho_a, jch3cho_b, jch3cho_c. The adjustment factor of jch3cho is therefore divided into three parts. I wonder if there are more suitable nc files about the cross section datasets?

Now I add jch3cho and jch3cho_adj into, just using the values of jch3cho_a and jch3cho_a_adj. Cases are disrupted without any apparent bug (see attached file named "cesm.log.24393.txt").

Any suggestion about how to use f_tuv method in CESM is expected!!! Thank you!


  • cesm.log.24392.txt
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  • cesm.log.24393.txt
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