Dear Forum Members,I am using CESM 1.0.4 and CAM4 to study the effects of sulfate aerosols (both background and volcanic size) by prescribing them in stratosphere. 1) Could somebody provide a reference on how longwave and shortwave properties of sulfate aerosols are parametrised in the model when using CAM4?2) Also any reference on how hygroscopic effects are calculated in the model for sulphate aerosols? I have seen the corresponding section in the technical document (NCAR/TN-485+STR) but if anybody can provide more details (a journal paper corresponding to the calculations) it would be of great help for me.3) By tweaking relative humidity values in stratosphere in models/atm/cam/src/physics/cam/aer_rad_props.F90 program, I could see that hygrscopic growth is affecting background aerosols but is absent in case of volcanic size aerosols. Could somebody please confirm this?Thank you in advance,Krishna