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Regional Ensemble Spin-up Error: "Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built"

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Anthony Holmes
New Member
I am running an ensemble spin-up using the ./CLM5_startup_freerun script included in the DART distribution on Cheyenne. I have subset my surface data files to a region in East Africa using the ./subset_surfdata python tool located in CTSM/tools/contrib for, updating the following attributes:


In the CLM5_startup_freerun script, I updated the setup to include the regionally subset surface data and domain files by updating the caseroot, user_nl_datm, and user_nl_clm using the following commands:



Anthony Holmes
New Member


We can confirm the namelists were updated correctly for each ensemble member by navigating to the case directory: /glade/work/anthholmes/cases/CESM/cesm2_regional_f09_f09_mg17_tst_CAM6_60.

I am running the case using CESM (cesm2.2.0) with CTSM release-cesm2.2.01

However, after running the case, I am receiving the following error:

2023-06-16 18:51:33: error ERROR: RUN FAIL: Command 'mpiexec_mpt -p "%g:" -np 4320 omplace -tm open64 /glade/scratch/anthholmes/CESM/cesm2_regional_f09_f09_mg17_tst_CAM6_60/bld/cesm.exe >> cesm.log.$LID 2>&1 ' failed See log file for details: /glade/scratch/anthholmes/CESM/cesm2_regional_f09_f09_mg17_tst_CAM6_60/run/

Checking the CESM log, I see the following errors repeatedly

4105:MPT ERROR: Rank 4105(g:4105) is aborting with error code 1. 4105: Process ID: 59703, Host: r3i7n19, Program: /glade/scratch/anthholmes/CESM/cesm2_regional_f09_f09_mg17_tst_CAM6_60/bld/cesm.exe 4105: MPT Version: HPE MPT 2.21 11/28/19 04:21:40 4105: 4105:MPT: --------stack traceback------- 1729: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR: ionf_mod.F90: 235 : 1729: NetCDF: Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built. 1765: pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR: ionf_mod.F90: 235 : 1765: NetCDF: Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built.

Does any one know what might be causing this issue? Could it be that the ./subset_surfdata tool is using a different version of netcdf?


Staff member
I think this error means that your .nc file is of a type that will not work with the model. Try:
"ncdump -k <file>.nc"
You may need to change the file to cdf5 or netcdf classic. Try one and, if it fails, try the other. If it still fails, then I'm out of ideas. To change the file, try:
"nccopy -k cdf5 <file>.nc <file>"


Staff member
Nevertheless, I would have expected a file coming out of the ./subset_data tool to have worked, so let me bring @erik into the conversation in case he has any insights.


Anthony Holmes
New Member
Nevertheless, I would have expected a file coming out of the ./subset_data tool to have worked, so let me bring @erik into the conversation in case he has any insights.
I did check the format and the output from the ./subset_data tool was in netCDF-4 format whereas the original surface dataset is in "64-bit offset" format.

(xESMF) anthholmes@cheyenne1:~/CTSM/tools/mkmapgrids> ncdump -k /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/release-clm5.0.18/
64-bit offset

So I converted the file using the following command:

(xESMF) anthholmes@cheyenne1:~/CTSM/tools/mkmapgrids> nccopy -k nc6 /glade/scratch/anthholmes/regional/ /glade/scratch/anthholmes/regional/

However, my concern is that in writing the nc files to NetCDF-4, the ./subset_data tool would have compressed or distorted the data in some way to make it incompatible with CTSM, is that a possibility?


Staff member
I don't think so, but also I don't know. You may be able to check for that by carefully inspecting the data with some netcdf viewer (e.g. ncview, python, matlab, etc.).


Anthony Holmes
New Member
I don't think so, but also I don't know. You may be able to check for that by carefully inspecting the data with some netcdf viewer (e.g. ncview, python, matlab, etc.).
Thanks for your suggestions Sam, I really appreciate your help. I will try running with the converted data and will update this thread with the results.


Anthony Holmes
New Member
I think this error means that your .nc file is of a type that will not work with the model. Try:
"ncdump -k <file>.nc"
You may need to change the file to cdf5 or netcdf classic. Try one and, if it fails, try the other. If it still fails, then I'm out of ideas. To change the file, try:
"nccopy -k cdf5 <file>.nc <file>"
The model appears to have run without the error "NetCDF: Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built." after updating the surface data and domain files to match the data type of the original files ("classic" for the domain file and "nc6" for the surface data file).

I am getting other errors now related to the time domain of the landcover data and MOSART model, but I will post these issues in a new thread.
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