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Running CLM5 in PTS_MODE - ERROR: single column mode must be run on 1 pe

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Dominic Woolf
New Member
I'm seeking guidance on how (or whether it is still possible) to run latest CLM using PTS_MODE. In an earlier thread, I learned that create_newcase no longer support settings PTS_MODE / PTS_LAT / PTS_LON, and that instead I should set these afterwards, using xmlchange.

However, while I am able to set PTS_LAT and PTS_LON using xmlchange, attempting to set PTS_MODE gives "ERROR: No variable PTS_MODE found in case".

I attempted to proceed anyway, hoping that this setting maybe is just deprecated and setting PTS_LAT and PTS_LON suffices to indicate that PTS_MODE is required.

Despite also using `./xmlchange MPILIB=mpi-serial` as suggested here, I get runtime errors shown in the log file as "ERROR: single column mode must be run on 1 pe".

What am I doing wrong, and how should I get the model to run successfully in PTS_MODE (log file attached)?


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Staff member
The error tells you to run on 1 pe, so I would give that a try. Looking at the output of "./create_newcase --help" I see that there is a --pecount option. I suggest trying that.


Dominic Woolf
New Member
Thanks @slevis. That seems to have cured the original "1 pe" error. However, I now get a different error

ERROR: ROF does not support single column

which makes a lot of sense that ROF cannot run at a point location. Can we turn off the ROF component to run at a single point?


Staff member
When you run ./create_newcase, you select a compset. I am pretty sure that this is where you make the decision to run with or without ROF. I suggest looking into that. I don't know off the top of my head whether there is a switch elsewhere for turning off ROF.


Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
There's an XML variable MOSART_MODE (when running with MOSART) that you can set to NULL to signal turning MOSART off.

If you create a case with "--grid CLM_USRDAT" it does some of this stuff for you, so it's good to use.
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