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Unable to successfully build the case


Xinhao Suo
I want to add a section for soil decomposition, to determine how much carbon is decomposed due to the fire area, I made all the changes but it reported an error.

do fc = 1,num_soilc
c = filter_soilc(fc)
f = farea_burned(c)
i_s4s1 = 10
decomp_cascade_con%cascade_step_name(i_s4s1) = 'S4S1'
rf_decomp_cascade(c,1:nlevdecomp,i_s4s1) = f
cascade_donor_pool(i_s4s1) = i_soil42
cascade_receiver_pool(i_s4s1) = i_soil1
pathfrac_decomp_cascade(c,1:nlevdecomp,i_s4s1) = 1
end do

However I got an error:
Error: Missing actual argument for argument ‘cnveg_state_inst’ at (1)
make: *** [/home/user/Formal/I_fire/Tools/Makefile:999: clm_instMod.o] Error 1

I also added variables based on other code files:
use CNVegStateType , only : cnveg_state_type
subroutine init_decompcascade_cn(bounds, soilbiogeochem_state_inst,cnveg_state_inst,num_soilc, filter_soilc)
type(cnveg_state_type) , intent(inout) :: cnveg_state_inst
associate( farea_burned => cnveg_state_inst%farea_burned_col )

But it still has some problems, I have no idea about how to solve this problem


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