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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. Y

    error use my own inputdata

    Hello everyone! I am currently using CESM 1.2 to create an experiment, and here are the steps I followed: 1、Navigated into the "scripts" directory to create a new case. cd /work/software/cesm/1.2.2_openmpi2020/scripts/ ./create_newcase -case ~/ymt/cases/control_B1850_2000.001 -compset...
  2. J

    Build Issue with CAM5 and COSP

    Hello, I'm trying to run a simple pre-industrial control test case with CESM1.2.2 and CAM5 with COSP enabled but I'm running into an error at the build step. For reference, I have no problems running B-compsets with CAM4 and COSP on my machine, this build error only arises when I use CAM5...
  3. J

    CESM1.2.2 build errors on Derecho

    Hello everyone, I'm attempting to run CESM1.2.2.1 on Derecho and have encountered build errors. Does anyone have suggestions or insights on resolving this issue? Thank you! >> ./ CESM BUILDEXE SCRIPT STARTING rm: No match. COMPILER is intel - Build Libraries: mct gptl pio...
  4. J

    Can I get u, v wind components at 10m from U10 (10m wind speed), TAUX, and TAUY?

    Hello, I'd like to calculate u, v wind components at 10m using 10m wind speed, and zonal and meridional wind stress components. This is because u, v wind components at 10m do not save in our runs. Theoretically, zonal and meridional wind stress components can be explained as follows. TAUX =...
  5. Y

    NetCDF: Numeric conversion not representable pio_support::pio_die:: myrank= -1 : ERROR:

    I'm running CESM 1.2.2 with CAM5+trop_mam3+prescribed_emit ncl. After the task completed, I checked the atm.log file and cesm.log file and found these problems below: This is from atm.log file: And one from cesm.log file: It seems that some strange data have been written into the file, but I...
  6. Y

    (shr_sys_abort) ERROR:phys_ctl_readnl: ERROR reading namelist

    Hi there, I can successfully build a case, but after I submit the case, it completed very quickly (running about 5 minutes). I checked the atm.log file, it shows the problem below. I have checked the atm_in file and compared it with my script to check the variable name I used, and I didn't find...
  7. X

    How to get the result of cloud water path for different tags?

    Hi! I want to got the Total grid-box cloud ice water path (TGCLDIWP) or cloud water path for different tags. I added the output variable in the same way: fincl1="TGCLDIWP_NAO","TGCLDIWP_PAC"...... However, when I submit the simulation, it will report an error: FLDLST: TGCLDIWP_NAO in fincl( 1...
  8. B

    Error during CESM 1.2.2 build phase due to netcdf library path

    Dear CESM community, I have been trying to port CESM 1.2.2 on a new machine (the Irene machine of the TGCC in France, in case anyone knows it). I encounter an error during the build phase. I have been trying to solve this problem for more than 10 days, but now I am totally stuck. I would really...
  9. S

    Add/create a passive tracer in CAM

    Dear all, I am trying to learn how to add a passive tracer in the CAM module but am still confused after some previous posts: (e.g., CAM tracer
  10. X

    Error in porting CESM1.2

    Hi! I ported the iCESM1.2, after i set the variables in env_build.xml, env_mach_pes.xml and env_run.xml, and called the cesm_setup again,there was the error: Running preview_namelist script Illegal variable name. ERROR: /home/user/iCESM1.2/scripts/test1/preview_namelists failed: 65280...
  11. M

    Problems compiling runoff_to_ocean on Cheyenne

    I am using CESM1.2.2.1 for deep time paleoclimate, and I would like to compile the runoff_to_ocean utility on Cheyenne. Unfortunately, I am running into this error. ld: /glade/u/apps/ch/opt/netcdf-mpi/4.6.1/mpt/2.19/intel/17.0.1/lib/libnetcdf.a(libdispatch_la-dfile.o): in function...
  12. Zhibo Li

    Case run error: rtmini ERROR no downstream ocean cell

    Hello, DiscussCESM I'm a Ph.D student at Peking University, and I'm doing some research in geological deep-time paleoclimate by CESM1.2.2. I revised the land_sea mask, elevation, and kmt (in ocean) before I build the run. But, no matter how I try to make runoff downstream (resolution at...
  13. Bellanita

    cesm1.2.2 test build problem

    Hello, I'm a new user. I got some problems when performing ./ All my command are as follows. cd cesm1_2_2/scripts ./create_newcase -case test -res f19_g16 -compset X -mach bella cd test ./cesm_setup ./ Then I got errors...
  14. W

    segmentation fault in xtpv of tp_core.F90

    Hello everyone, I frequently encounter below errors on some of my slightly customized CESM 1.2.2 runs. The same errors persist every tens if not several model years, even though I switched to almost default settings with minor changes in co2 mixing ratio etc. Does anyone have clues of possible...
  15. S

    Malloc error

    Hi, I have installed cesm1.2.2 and am trying to run the B1850 compsets using intel compiler. (I have attached the env_mach_specfic, config_compiler.xml, config_machines.xml and the cesm log file for reference). I am able to run the F compsets successfully, however for B compsets, I can build...
  16. T

    Trouble Downloading CESM 1.2.2

    I'm trying to download CESM 1.2.2 following the instructions on the webpage ( When I type the following code: svn co cesm1_2_2 , I get stuck in...
  17. M

    Output monthly average transient-eddy fluxes (CAM4)?

    Hi all, I'm running CESM1.2.2 with CAM4. I wish to output 3D monthly averages of transient-eddy fluxes in the atmosphere (water vapor, temperature, geopotential, momentum). Are these fluxes available as standard History Fields? I had a look in the CAM4 documnetnation but couldn't find them... If...
  18. Y

    CESM 1.2.2 running errors

    Hi All,I am trying to run the CESM 1.2.2 with the B_RCP8.5_CN compset. I was planning to run time slices 2045-2055. I am using the "trop_mozart" mechanism.  I have several error messages: 1) First, I have the error message of "ERROR: chem_surfvals_readnl: Cannot specify both bndtvghg and...