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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. Y

    Request C3 and C4 distribution dataset

    Describe your problem or question: Dear NCAR scientists, I am using output from the historical run of CMIP6 (variant_label = 'r1i1p1f1') to analyze photosynthesis. In CLM, plants use C3 and C4 pathways for photosynthesis. I think the input data from CLM should include C3 and C4 plant...
  2. Y

    Issue in reading urbantv_streams for high-resolution regional simulation

    What version of the code are you using? CTSM5.2.015 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? No Describe every step you took leading up to the problem: # create and setup case CASEDIR="/glade/work/yifanc17/cases/GSWP3.CTSM5.2.015.ExplicitAC.California.1km.CTRL.c241023"...
  3. I

    porting error for CTSM 5.2

    What version of the code are you using? CTSM5.2.005 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? Yes Describe every step you took leading up to the problem: I was trying to port it into Niagara supercomputer (U of Toronto). 1. The config_batch file is firstly modified (please see...
  4. A

    No surface irrigation, VOLR, VOLRMCH in 0.5 degree regional simulation

    What version of the code are you using? ctsm5.2.023 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? None Describe every step you took leading up to the problem: Typical steps for regional case: ./create_newcase --case...
  5. A

    What does the soil layer variable levgrnd_class do?

    What version of the code are you using? ctsm5.2.023 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? Not yet. But looking to increase soil layer structure (either layer thickness or number of layers). Describe your problem or question: In src/main/initVerticalMod.F90, soil layers in each...
  6. jgx

    Something wrong when creating mapping files for mksurfdata_map

    Rush rush rush! Seeking help I want to create custom resolution surface data, first, I created a SCRIP grid file using ./ -p 47.7333,88.0833 -dx 0.01 -dy 0.01 -n $GRIDNAME successfully but when I run to create mapping files, I get an error: ERROR: Problem on processor...
  7. jgx

    PNETCDF not enabled in the build

    While running the clm5.0.35. The model setup and built has been successful. When I submit the case, it shows: PNETCDF not enabled in the build, The case compset is I2000Clm50FatesGs.
  8. K

    How to run CTSM5.2 in CPLHIST mode?

    Hi all, I am trying to run a simulation in the ISSP585 CPLHIST mode (compset long name: SSP585_DATM%CPLHIST_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV) with CTSM5.2. I noticed that the coupler history files for CTSM have new NetCDF names (e.g. **.cpl.hx.atm.3h.avrg.**.nc instead of...
  9. X

    WRF-CTSM running got stuck at a certain time

    Hi all, I met a problem with WRF-CTSM simulation. I have set a simulation of 112 days. The wrf.exe was running fine until 22:56:06 of the first day. Then there was no more output and the wrf.exe was still running. I used grep cfl rsl* to check errors and found nothing. I have tried to use small...
  10. X

    How to run an Irrigation Simulation in WRF-CTSM?

    Hi all, I am wondering how to run an irrigation simulation in WRF-CTSM. In Clm5, irrigation simulation could be done by: # Note here we do a CLMSP simulation as that is what has been validated > cd scripts > ./create_newcase -case IRRIG -res f19_g17_gl4 -compset I1850Clm50BgcCrop...
  11. A

    Discrepancy in QIRRIG (surface, confined, and unconfined) between cesm2.2.2 and ctsm5.2 releases

    I have observed a stark contrast in irrigation coverage (mostly in the northern hemisphere) between cesm2.2.2 and ctsm5.2 CLM runs with identical case setup. Both runs used I2000Clm50BgcCrop compset and were simulated for 12 months starting 2000-01-01. Similar issue in all three irrigation...
  12. M

    How to compile a new module.F90 file putted in src/biogeophys/ at my local CTSM

    Hi, everyone. I recently have got an idea that need to add a new module.F90 which written by myself to change the soil freezing and thawing process. But after I put the new .F90 file in src.clm/biogeophys/, Am I should seek the .F90 file contain the main program and change the calling...
  13. X

    Build CTSM without git

    Hi all, I want to build CTSM on a local server which have no internet connection and I am not very familiar with git. Is there any guide on how to build CSTM without git? Thanks a lot! Xiao
  14. W

    Missing ctsm5.2.0 inputdata

    Hi everyone, I'm using CESM2.3.alpha17, and I've encountered some missing data while running certain cases. Specifically, I'm looking for the files "" and "". If anyone could share these files...
  15. A

    Compile error on derecho related to not finding SHR_LOG_SETLOGUNIT

    I recently tried to run CTSM (ctsm5.1.dev115)-FATES on derecho by following the instructions under step b) here. The only difference with what I did compared to the instructions linked above is that I checked out the externals after running these three lines: git fetch --all git cherry-pick...
  16. J

    Error in running regional case in resubmitting the job

    Hello, I created a regional CTSM case in the MidWest US, and wanted it to run for 21 years. To avoid exceeding the wallclock time, I set STOP_OPTION=nmonths, STOP_N=4, RESUBMIT=62. The case run successfully for 4 months and seems like created restart files, but then failed with error message...
  17. D

    WRF-CTSM (check_atm_landfrac) ERROR: atm landfrac > 0 for a point that CTSM thinks is ocean)

    @oleson, @erik Kindly support me to fix the error encountered in my WRF-CTSM runs. The error is ERROR: (check_atm_landfrac) ERROR: atm landfrac > 0 for a point that CTSM thinks is ocean. I am attaching the error files.
  18. B

    CLM5.0 vs. CTSM5.1 in CPLHIST mode

    Hello, I have successfully run CTSM release-clm5.0 in CPLHIST mode in the past. When I apply the same methods to ctsm5.1.dev133, I get the following error for cpl files after submitting the case: Model datm missing file file730 =...
  19. samrabin

    Problems running at half-degree

    When I try to run CTSM at half-degree resolution, it stops for no apparent reason. In my most recent attempt, the last thing written was to lnd.log: (GETFIL): using /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_map/ Spinup_state...
  20. E

    Problem with user_nl_datm

    Dear, All I'm trying to run CTSM model on LEVANTE cluster with my daily forcing, but I have several problems: 1. I don't understand why I have these Errors. However, I checked data and I have them into the folder. Also there is no problems with LND_DOMAIN_PATH and LND_DOMAIN_FILE. 2. When I'm...