Scheduled Downtime
On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
Normal Operations
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  1. E

    Problem with user_nl_datm

    Dear, All I'm trying to run CTSM model on LEVANTE cluster with my daily forcing, but I have several problems: 1. I don't understand why I have these Errors. However, I checked data and I have them into the folder. Also there is no problems with LND_DOMAIN_PATH and LND_DOMAIN_FILE. 2. When I'm...
  2. A

    Subsetting Surface Datasets

    Per my previous discussion post: Regional Ensemble Spin-up Error: "Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was built" I am now attempting to use the ncks command to subset the surface and domain data to my region of interest. Using the following command: ncks -d...
  3. H

    Fail to run WRF-CTSM on Perlmutter

    Hello, I wanted to run CTSM with WRF on a new machine Perlmutter. After installing a new PIO and ESMF library, I could successfully compile the code and even run the real.exe. However, the model stopped when running CTSM (rsl.error.0321.txt). I am sure the errors come from CTSM as the...
  4. A

    Differences Between CLM release-clm5.0.35 and release-cesm2.2.01

    I ran a 60 member ensemble spin-up using CESM w/ CLM release-cesm2.2.01 for the land component using the I2000Clm50BgcCrop compset and CAM4 atmospheric forcing's and the same was run using CTSM w/ CLM release-clm5.0.35. All of the following settings were the same between the two: Number of...
  5. N

    CLM output variables (CTSM History Fields)

    Hi, I want to output aerodynamical resistance (RAM1), sensible heat from veg (FSH_V), roughness length over vegetation, sensible heat (Z0HV) and latent heat flux (EFLX_LH_TOT) in CLM model, so I set echo "hist_fincl1='TG','RAM1','Z0HV','Z0HG','FSH_V','FSH_G','EFLX_LH_TOT'" >> user_nl_clm...
  6. samrabin

    decomp_cpools_vr_col is NaN

    Today on the software engineering standup, I mentioned a problem I was having in SoilBiogeochemPrecisionControl() where the run would crash with a floating-point error on the following line: if (abs(cs%decomp_cpools_vr_col(c,j,k)) < ccrit) then It was suggested that I check to see whether the...
  7. D

    Missing CTSM input data on repository

    Dear all, Dear @oleson, This file /inputdata/lnd/clm2/rawdata/pftcftdynharv.0.25x0.25.SSP2-4.5.simyr2015-2100.c20220305/ is requested for surface data creation but I am unable to find it at the data repository. Could you please provide me with...
  8. L

    How to control the location of fire occurrence?

    I want to simulate the recovery process of NPP or GPP before and after the fire occurs.But I only found this file about the fire model .This file contains demographic data.I would like to know how to control where...
  9. D

    CTSM CLM standalone runs error

    git describe ctsm5.1.dev105 ./manage_externals/checkout_externals --status --verbose Processing externals description file : Externals.cfg Processing externals description file : Externals_CLM.cfg Processing externals description file : Externals_CISM.cfg Processing externals description file ...
  10. I

    Bottom layer specific humidty sent from the atmosphere model is less than zero

    Hi, I would appreciate your input on the following error. I submitted WRF-CTSM run starting from the 1st of October, 2017 and the interruption occurred 11 days later with the error arising from CTSM/lnd_import_export_utils.F90: ERROR: Bottom layer specific humidty sent from the atmosphere...
  11. D

    run error using domain and surface data set generated by python script

    CTSM version ctsm5.1.dev061-3-g7a85024 Point simulation; Compset: 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM51%SP_SICE_SOCN_SGLC_SWAV For setting up the case, followed exercise 4c in the document: But created the domain, surface, and atm. forcing...
  12. M

    Field name T_REF2M_24 (added by me) not found - extract_accum_field_sl ERROR

    Hi, I tried to create a 24h accumulated 2m temperature variable by copying the way it was done for the vegetation temperature (T_VEG24) in TemperatureType.F90, except that I replaced "runmean" by "timeavg". I did not change anything in the src_clm40 folder. I got the following error message...
  13. K

    How to Change Project Code

    Hi All, I am running into issues building cases with CLM because I have a new project code, but I do not understand how to change the PBS_ACCOUNT. To me the information here and here...
  14. ChrisPp

    CLM5-BGC: 3 kilometer Europe: Curvilinear Grid? Restart file not compatible?

    I am using CTSM (Version ctsm1.0.dev084-306-gb146c62) to model Europe on a 3km grid with CLM5-BGC. I had regrid the domain and surface files created by the supplied gen_domain and to fit the required 3 km grid. Because i read in some posts that it is not possible for CLM to model...
  15. adrienD

    Porting CTSM to Mistral supercomputer. ERROR: Command .../build-namelist failed

    Hi everyone, I'm working for AWI in Germany and I'm trying to port CTSM on the supercomputer Mistral. The firsts steps seem to work smoothly but I got an error message (see below) every time I use ./ Can someone help me? Adrien Building case in directory...