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CAM4 with microphysics mg1


Philipp Breul
New Member
Hi everyone,

I am running CAM4 on CESM2.1.3, but would like to have a better Aerosol-Cloud Interaction. I therefore tried to change the microphysics package to the one developed for CESM5, by running: ./xmlchange --append CAM_CONFIG_OPTS='-microphys mg1'.

I can build the case, however when running I get the error "ERROR: Attempt to find undefined name in pbuf CICEWP" in the CESM/CAM log file.

Is what I am trying to do not possible, or do I have to adjust additional settings?

I am thankful for any suggestions :).

Best wishes,


Hi Phillipp --

Well, I would say that what you want to do is *possible*, but it's probably not as easy as changing CAM_CONFIG_OPTS. I feel like there are a bunch of places throughout physpkg.F90 where there are checks to figure out what model physics and/or what microphysics are being used. The division of work between "microphysics" and "macrophysics" changed quite a bit between CAM4 and CAM5, so I don't think the issue is as easy as just running the MG microphysics in CAM4; I suspect that the "grid scale condensation/evaporation" (i.e., macrophysics) would have to be handled differently too.

The specific issue you are seeing, I think has to do the additional fields that the MG microphysics needs to use (in-cloud water paths in this case). Probably you're seeing this because physpkg is running the wrong microphysics initialization, but that's just a guess.

Honestly, I think if you're interested in aerosol-cloud interaction effects, it might be more fruitful to start from a model that has ACI (CAM5 or CAM6) and then make changes to remove the ACI. But depends on your application whether that makes sense.


Philipp Breul
New Member
Hi Brian,

Thank you for the very insightful comment, at least I know now that there is no easy fix.
My problem is that I already have a bunch of experiments with a specific custom component set (using CAM4) and would ideally keep everything as close as possible to this component set. For a new set of experiments I however need some representation of aerosol-cloud interactions, which the rk microphysics does not have at all as far as I understand?

I will have a think what the most sensible way forward is for me and will probably post some follow up question no matter which route I take :D.

Thanks a lot.



Jiyuan Yin
New Member
Hi Phillipp --

Well, I would say that what you want to do is *possible*, but it's probably not as easy as changing CAM_CONFIG_OPTS. I feel like there are a bunch of places throughout physpkg.F90 where there are checks to figure out what model physics and/or what microphysics are being used. The division of work between "microphysics" and "macrophysics" changed quite a bit between CAM4 and CAM5, so I don't think the issue is as easy as just running the MG microphysics in CAM4; I suspect that the "grid scale condensation/evaporation" (i.e., macrophysics) would have to be handled differently too.

The specific issue you are seeing, I think has to do the additional fields that the MG microphysics needs to use (in-cloud water paths in this case). Probably you're seeing this because physpkg is running the wrong microphysics initialization, but that's just a guess.

Honestly, I think if you're interested in aerosol-cloud interaction effects, it might be more fruitful to start from a model that has ACI (CAM5 or CAM6) and then make changes to remove the ACI. But depends on your application whether that makes sense.
Hi! May I ask how to remove the impact of ACI? How should the namelist be set up? Thank you !