We have recently finished a 2011-2019 reanalysis using CAM6 and DART.
Several data sets have been archived to the Research Data Archive 345.0.
They are designed to be useful to a variety of researchers in the CESM community.
We're interested to know whether you feel that this would be a valuable addition
to the CESM Community Projects web page (CESM Community Projects)
You can find details and usage notes in the DART wiki: NCAR/DART
There's also a presentation to the ESPWG on
(Some) Presentations featuring DART: The Data Assimilation Research Testbed
"Kevin Raeder Jun 2020"
In summary, the data products can be used for:
+ Real world initial conditions for 1 degree, CAM6 (CLM, CICE, and MOSART?) ensemble hindcasts, with justifiable spread.
+ Realistic atmospheric forcing of all surface components in simulations and assimilations, with justifiable variability.
Depending on community interest, we may extend the reanalysis to the 1999-2010 period.
Several data sets have been archived to the Research Data Archive 345.0.
They are designed to be useful to a variety of researchers in the CESM community.
We're interested to know whether you feel that this would be a valuable addition
to the CESM Community Projects web page (CESM Community Projects)
You can find details and usage notes in the DART wiki: NCAR/DART
There's also a presentation to the ESPWG on
(Some) Presentations featuring DART: The Data Assimilation Research Testbed
"Kevin Raeder Jun 2020"
In summary, the data products can be used for:
+ Real world initial conditions for 1 degree, CAM6 (CLM, CICE, and MOSART?) ensemble hindcasts, with justifiable spread.
+ Comparison with free-running Large Ensemble results.+ Realistic atmospheric forcing of all surface components in simulations and assimilations, with justifiable variability.
Hourly to daily, as appropriate.
+ Model improvement through direct comparison with observations or examination of assimilation increments,i.e. how CAM was corrected to be in better agreement with the observations.
4 times/day.
+ Explore the impact of weather variability on plant/crop growth.Depending on community interest, we may extend the reanalysis to the 1999-2010 period.