Dear @oleson ,Adding surface datasets to the namelist defaults isn't a required step. If you have created a surface dataset, e.g.,, then you just need to point to it in your user_nl_clm.
Thank you for your response
I have added a new resolution Name in the namelist_definition_ctsm.xml, so the 0.05x0.05_global was added to the end of the valid_values for the id="res" entry.
Now I want to create surface data for this new resolution and for that:
Firstly, for Create SCRIP Grid Files in the $CTSMROOT/tools/mkmapgrids/mkscripgrid.ncl I changed the below scripts:
name = getenv("0.05x0.05_global"); ; Get name of this point
latS = stringtodouble( getenv("-90") ); ; Get south latitude from env variable
latN = stringtodouble( getenv("90") ); ; Get north latitude from env variable
lonE = stringtodouble( getenv("180") ); ; Get east longitude from env variable
lonW = stringtodouble( getenv("-180") ); ; Get west longitude from env variable
nx = stringtointeger( getenv("7200" ) ); ; Get number of grids along longitude lines
ny = stringtointeger( getenv("3600" ) ); ; Get number of grids along latitude lines
Secondly for Generate Mapping Files in the $CTSMROOT/tools/mkmapdata/mkmapdata.s, Given that my new PTNAME is "0.05x0.05_global" and the script mkscripgrid.ncl is located in tools/mkmapgrids, here is how my would run the script from the directory where it is located, I entered the below scripts:
./ -r 0.05x0.05 -f /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/mkmapgrids/ -t global
But I faced this error:
CSMDATA path not known for host derecho7. Set manually before calling E.g., bash: export CSMDATA=/path/to/csmdata
How can I solve it?