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How select a special region to run the CLM from the global model in CLM?


Javad Teymoori
Dr. Oleson,
Thank you for your guidance.
I tried this scripts in both derecho and casper but I face this error:
./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file


subset_data region: error: argument --cfg-file: expected one argument

1- Do I use the following script? Do you think the Red scripts are true?

cd /CTSM/tools/site_and_regional
./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file
cd /CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional:
cp /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface

ncrename -v .PFTDATA_MASK,landmask

ncks -A -v .PFTDATA_MASK /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surfac
ncrename -v .PFTDATA_MASK,mod_lnd_props
ncks --rgr infer --rgr
/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.09/spack/opt/spack/esmf/8.6.0/cray-mpich/8.1.27/oneapi/2023.2.1/7haa/bin/ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct 0
in the case directory in home : cd midwest
./xmlchange NTASKS=-4
./xmlchange NTASKS_PER_INST=144
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=12:00:00
./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=main
./xmlchange PIO_TYPENAME=pnetcdf
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=1
./xmlchange LND_NX=?
./xmlchange LND_NY=?
./xmlchange ATM_NX=?

./xmlchange ATM_NY=?
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2012-01-01

fsurdat = '/glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/oleson/CLM5_datasets/ctsm5.2.0/'
Update lines in env_run.xml:

./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_MESH=/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_MESH=/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/
./xmlchange MASK_MESH=/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/


2- What values should be entered for LND_NX, LND_NY, ATM_NX, ATM_NY ؟


Staff member
Please read @oleson's instructions again. From what I can tell, you did not type the cfg file path and name when running ./subset_data

...which is what that error message means.


Javad Teymoori
This command you've used:

./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface

creates a surface dataset from the global 1deg data by default.
If you want to subset from a different surface dataset, e.g, the global 0.05x0.05, then you need to specify it by modifying the configuration file (default_data_2000.cfg).
I've created a configuration file that will do that. It is here:


So try this command:

./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface

You may need to run it on casper to get enough memory.
Then you'll need to create new mesh files using the method you used previously.

Dr. Oleson
Thank you for your guidance,
I used your configuration file (/glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg) and for subset my region "midwest" I used your scripts, but I faced the below error:
(npl) jteymoori@casper-login2:/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional> ./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/glade/u/apps/opt/conda/envs/npl/lib/python3.10/", line 791, in get
value = d[option]
File "/glade/u/apps/opt/conda/envs/npl/lib/python3.10/collections/", line 986, in __getitem__
return self.__missing__(key) # support subclasses that define __missing__
File "/glade/u/apps/opt/conda/envs/npl/lib/python3.10/collections/", line 978, in __missing__
raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: 'mesh_dir'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/./subset_data", line 37, in <module>
File "/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/../../python/ctsm/", line 794, in main
file_dict = setup_files(args, defaults, cesmroot)
File "/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/../../python/ctsm/", line 602, in setup_files
os.path.join(defaults.get("surfdat", "mesh_dir")),
File "/glade/u/apps/opt/conda/envs/npl/lib/python3.10/", line 794, in get
raise NoOptionError(option, section)
configparser.NoOptionError: No option 'mesh_dir' in section: 'surfdat'

To solve this error I tried to add the " mesh_dir " option under the [surfdat] section: by the below scripts in your configuration file (/glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg):

mesh_dir = /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional

but I found this cfg is just read-only and I can not add or edit it, I faced the below error:

E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)


Javad Teymoori
Dr. Oleson
Thank you for your guidance,
I used your configuration file (/glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg) and for subset my region "midwest" I used your scripts, but I faced the below error:
(npl) jteymoori@casper-login2:/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional> ./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/glade/u/apps/opt/conda/envs/npl/lib/python3.10/", line 791, in get
value = d[option]
File "/glade/u/apps/opt/conda/envs/npl/lib/python3.10/collections/", line 986, in __getitem__
return self.__missing__(key) # support subclasses that define __missing__
File "/glade/u/apps/opt/conda/envs/npl/lib/python3.10/collections/", line 978, in __missing__
raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: 'mesh_dir'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/./subset_data", line 37, in <module>
File "/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/../../python/ctsm/", line 794, in main
file_dict = setup_files(args, defaults, cesmroot)
File "/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/../../python/ctsm/", line 602, in setup_files
os.path.join(defaults.get("surfdat", "mesh_dir")),
File "/glade/u/apps/opt/conda/envs/npl/lib/python3.10/", line 794, in get
raise NoOptionError(option, section)
configparser.NoOptionError: No option 'mesh_dir' in section: 'surfdat'

To solve this error I tried to add the " mesh_dir " option under the [surfdat] section: by the below scripts in your configuration file (/glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg):

mesh_dir = /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional

but I found this cfg is just read-only and I can not add or edit it, I faced the below error:

E45: 'readonly' option is set (add ! to override)
Dear Dr. @oleson
Please accept my apologies for asking you for help with my problem again.
I have run the CTSM with 0.05x0.05 degree resolution for the whole U.S. with the default DATM; now, I want to run it for a small region (Midwest) and then change the DATM for this region.
To run the CTSM in the Midwest, I used your guidance, which provided the cfg file for the subset of my region (Midwest) from the global 0.05x0.05 degree, but I faced an error, which I mentioned in the previous post.
I read the jack, merignition, and majun questions for changing the DATM, but firstly, I need to run the CTSM in the Midwest. Secondly, try to change the DATM based on your guidance and the works of others such as jack, merignition, and majunwho had the same goal as me.
How can I solve this error?


Staff member
If you are still asking about the "readonly" error, and you are using the vi editor, then I think you should try the advice given to you in the error message. The suggestion is to add "!" after the "w" when you try to save the modified file.


Javad Teymoori
This command you've used:

./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface

creates a surface dataset from the global 1deg data by default.
If you want to subset from a different surface dataset, e.g, the global 0.05x0.05, then you need to specify it by modifying the configuration file (default_data_2000.cfg).
I've created a configuration file that will do that. It is here:


So try this command:

./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface

You may need to run it on casper to get enough memory.
Then you'll need to create new mesh files using the method you used previously.

Thank you for your guidance.
I ran the scripts below:
./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface

But, I encountered two errors related to the absence of "mesh_dir" and "mesh_surf" in the .cfg file. I tried to add "mesh_dir" and "mesh_surf" in 0.05-conus6_data.cfg, but this file was read-only, and I could not add or edit it. So I copied the 0.05-conus6_data.cfg from the "/glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional " into my directory in the "/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional " , then I added "mesh_dir" and "mesh_surf" to it as a below:
mesh_dir = /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_redional
mesh_surf = /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_redional

Then The script for subsetting from the global 0.05x0.05 data changed to:
./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface
By running the last scripts, I faced an error below:

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/oleson/CLM5_datasets/ctsm5.2.0/GLOBAL/'

I tried to solve this error by copying the'
from the /glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/oleson/CLM5_datasets/ctsm5.2.0/GLOBAL
to my case directory as : /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional
by using this scripts:
cp /glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/oleson/CLM5_datasets/ctsm5.2.0/GLOBAL/ /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional

Then I ran the below scripts again to subset the regional surface data set from global 0.05x0.05 as below:
./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface

But I faced the same error for permission :
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/oleson/CLM5_datasets/ctsm5.2.0/GLOBAL/'

How can I solve this error?


Javad Teymoori
I've changed the permissions on that file, try again please.
Dear Dr. Oleson,
Thank you for your great helps.
As you said, I did all this work in Casper, but when I wanted do ./case.setup for my case, I faced an error which says it could not create a directory in /glade/scratch by Casper machine:

Setting resource.RLIMIT_STACK to -1 from (8388608, -1)
Machine/Decomp/Pes configuration has already been done ...skipping
ERROR: Could not make directory '/glade/scratch/jteymoori/midwest_clm50_ctsm520_0.05x0.05conus_GSWP3V1_2000/bld/cpl/obj', error: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/glade/scratch'

To solve this error, Can I do all the previous steps in Derecho instead of Casper?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I would do your subset_data steps on casper, but you'll want to do all of your case setup for your simulation on derecho.


Javad Teymoori
According to your recommendation, I have also done all the steps, including create_newcas, subset_data, Running the CTSM, and .. on the Casper environment, and now I have encountered this error during ./case. setup to run the model.
I am now looking to fix this error.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Don't do create_newcase, ./case.setup, etc. on Casper, do them on Derecho. subset_data can be run on casper. It is independent of the case creation and case setup process and can be run anytime.


Javad Teymoori
Don't do create_newcase, ./case.setup, etc. on Casper, do them on Derecho. subset_data can be run on casper. It is independent of the case creation and case setup process and can be run anytime.
Dear all
Based on Oleson's guidance, I could subset a small region from the global 0.05x0.05 surface dataset for running the CTSM with 0.05-degree resolution.
After ./case submit, I received an email as below:

PBS Job Id: 5371545.desched1
Job Name: st_archive.midwest_clm50_ctsm520_0.05x0.05conus_GSWP3V1_2000
Aborted by PBS Server
Job deleted as result of dependency on job 5371544.desched

Since I had received the same email before, and based on Oleson's guidance, I checked the log file in my run directory, which seems to be /glade/derecho/scratch/jteymoori/midwest_clm50_ctsm520_0.05x0.05conus_GSWP3V1_2000/run, I see some ERROR and Invalid log file in my cesm log directory.
Do you think the job deleting my model is related to these log files, or is it related to other things?
How can I solve this error?

These are the scripts that I used for this model:
#in derecho
cd /glade/work/jteymoori
git clone GitHub - ESCOMP/CTSM: Community Terrestrial Systems Model (includes the Community Land Model of CESM)
./bin/git-fleximod update
cp /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.2.0/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/
adding "mesh_dir" and "mesh_surf" to the 0.05-conus6_data.cfg
vi 0.05-conus6_data.cfg
mesh_dir = /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_redional
mesh_surf = /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_redional

cp /glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/oleson/CLM5_datasets/ctsm5.2.0/GLOBAL/ /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional

cd /CTSM/cime/scripts
module load conda
conda activate npl
./create_newcase --case ~/midwest/midwest_clm50_ctsm520_0.05x0.05conus_GSWP3V1_2000 --res CLM_USRDAT --compset 2000_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC-CROP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --run-unsupported --project UCNN0040

#subset from global 0.05x0.05 surface dataset in Casper

cd CTSM/tools/site_and_regional:
pip install numpy
pip install xarray
./subset_data region --lat1 30 --lat2 45 --lon1 255 --lon2 270 --reg midwest --create-surface --crop --cfg-file /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/0.05-conus6_data.cfg --out-surface
module load nco
cp /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/
ncrename -v .PFTDATA_MASK,landmask
ncks -A -v .PFTDATA_MASK /glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/
ncrename -v .PFTDATA_MASK,mod_lnd_props
ncks --rgr infer --rgr

in derecho
cd /tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional
/glade/u/apps/derecho/23.09/spack/opt/spack/esmf/8.6.0/cray-mpich/8.1.27/oneapi/2023.2.1/7haa/bin/ESMF_Scrip2Unstruct 0

in case directory:
module load conda
conda activate npl
./xmlchange NTASKS=-4
./xmlchange NTASKS_PER_INST=144
./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=12:00:00
./xmlchange JOB_QUEUE=main
./xmlchange PIO_TYPENAME=pnetcdf
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=1
./xmlchange LND_NX=13
./xmlchange LND_NY=17
./xmlchange ATM_NX=13
./xmlchange ATM_NY=17
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2012-01-01

vi user_nl_clm
fsurdat = '/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/'

./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_MESH=/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_MESH=/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/
./xmlchange MASK_MESH=/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
The system is deleting your short-term archiver job because the main job failed.
I think the problem is that your fsurdat is missing a dimension that is required, lsmpft.

Try executing the following to add that dimension to your surface dataset and then run the case again:

ncap2 -h -A -s 'defdim("lsmpft",79)'


Javad Teymoori
Dear all
I ran the CTSM with the default atmospheric forcing data; now, I want to run the model on my atmospheric forcing data. I have prepared the new forcing data for 2005-01 until 2008-12 in three folders: Precip, Solar, and TPHWL in the specific directory. These new atmospheric forcing data are regional (just for the United States), 3 hr, and 0.05x0.05 degrees.
To change the atmospheric forcing data, I tried using Link1, Link2, and Link 3, but unfortunately, none worked.
If possible, please help me find good instructions that can guide me step by step through changing the atmospheric forcing data and running the model with them.


Staff member this case error messages may or may not be instructive. Often comparing the custom input files to the default input files is most instructive. Any difference between the two (other than in the data values themselves) may explain why the custom data fail.


Javad Teymoori
Dear all

I ran the CTSM with the default atmospheric forcing data; I used the global 0.05x0.05 surface dataset provided by @oleson .
Now, I want to run the model using my atmospheric forcing data. I have prepared the new forcing data for 2005-01 until 2009-12 in the specific directory in the Precip, Solar, and TPHWL folders. These new atmospheric forcing data are regional (just for the United States), 3 hr, and 0.05x0.05 degrees.
Here are the examples of my new atmospheric forcing data:

Based on Customizing the DATM namelist and searching in the Forum for changing the atmospheric forcing data, I did as below,
and I faced errors in running some of them(it should be mentioned I did not create a new case and did these steps on previous cases)

In the home directory in the case directory:

./xmlchange DATM_MODE=CLMGSWP3v1
./xmlchange DATM_YR_START=2005
./xmlchange DATM_YR_END=2010
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2005-01-01
./xmlchange RUN_ENDDATE=2009-12-31

ERROR: No variable RUN_ENDDATE found in case

./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
./xmlchange STOP_N=5
./xmlchange DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC="/glade/derecho/scratch/jteymoori/Daymet4/Data/atm/datm7"
./xmlchange LND_DOMAIN_PATH=/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/
./xmlchange ATM_DOMAIN_PATH=/glade/work/jteymoori/CTSM/tools/site_and_regional/subset_data_regional/

ERROR: No variable ATM_DOMAIN_PATH found in case

In the user_nl_datm:
mapmask = 'nomask','nomask','nomask'
mapalgo = 'bilinear','bilinear','bilinear'
tintalgo = 'coszen','nearest','linear'
taxmode = 'cycle','cycle','cycle'
stream_fldfilename = '/glade/derecho/scratch/jteymoori/Daymet4/Data/atm/datm7'

ERROR: the user_nl_datm is readable only and could not write in that.

in CaseDocs:

cp CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip
cp: cannot stat 'CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip': No such file or directory

Is this my method correct? Have I not missed a step? How can I solve these errors?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
It looks like you are using a development version of the model. The datm streams method has changed and the instructions you refer to are not valid for the development version. There is a datm.streams.xml file in your CaseDocs directory. The contents of that can be changed using user_nl_datm_streams in your case directory. There are instructions in that file on how to modify the datm forcing streams.
ERROR: No variable RUN_ENDDATE found in case
This means that there is no variable RUN_ENDDATE in any of the xml files
ERROR: No variable ATM_DOMAIN_PATH found in case
This means that there is no variable ATM_DOMAIN_PATH in any of the xml files. This variable was only present in earlier versions of the model.


Javad Teymoori
Dear @oleson
Thank you for your response.

How can I find a document or instructions for working with the new version of the model?
At least, an instruction on how to change and run the new version of the model with my atmospheric forcing data.