Unfortunately, there are no formal detailed instructions yet for running with custom atmospheric forcing data. However, as I mentioned there are instructions within the user_nl_datm_streams file on how to modify the streams for your own forcing.
There is a general description of the datm here:
A recent case that I have run that required user modifications to the streams file is here:
The case was setup with
./create_newcase --case ctsm530_f19_PPE_hist --compset HIST_DATM%CRUv7_CLM60%BGC_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --res f19_g17 --run-unsupported
The modifications for a custom datm forcing can be found in the user_nl_datm_streams file.
There is a general description of the datm here:
A recent case that I have run that required user modifications to the streams file is here:
The case was setup with
./create_newcase --case ctsm530_f19_PPE_hist --compset HIST_DATM%CRUv7_CLM60%BGC_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV --res f19_g17 --run-unsupported
The modifications for a custom datm forcing can be found in the user_nl_datm_streams file.