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How select a special region to run the CLM from the global model in CLM?


Javad Teymoori
Your problem relates to the datm mesh file. Actually, I see the mesh file you are using to describe the datm forcing grid in your datm.streams.xml:


is the mesh for the land grid, i.e., the surface data you are using (200X200 = 40,000).
You need to use a mesh file that describes the datm forcing grid.
Your datm forcing data is

lat = 620 ;
lon = 1160 ;

So you need a mesh file that corresponds to that.
The one you are using has elementCount = 40,000, which is not 620X1160.
So, it's not just that you have a mesh file with elementMask set to 1 everywhere, you also need a completely different datm mesh file.
Dear Oleson
I have a question about LND_NX, LND_NY, ATM_NX, and ATM_NY. How can I calculate them for each region?

I used to use 0.816447 for each degree in the X direction and 1.0943 for each degree in the Y direction for creating a surface dataset with 0.05x0.05 degree resolution; for example, when I want to run the model for a region with 20 degrees in 20 degrees, I use:
NX = (20 x 0.816447) = 16.32 ~ 17
NY = (20 x 1.0943) = 21.886 ~ 22

Is my approach for calculating the NX and NY true?

If I want to use a surface dataset with a 0.05x0.05 resolution, is this the correct method, or is there no connection between the resolution of the surface dataset and NX and NY?


Javad Teymoori
I am using the the and I want to subset this surface data set for my region as below:

--lat1 33 --lat2 46 --lon1 250 --lon2 272

lat : 33 to 46
lon: 250 to 272


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Go ahead and subset it. Then look at the lsmlon and lsmlat dimensions in that dataset and that's what you would set *_NX and *_NY to, respectively.


Ru Xu
I think that is expected behavior at this time:

The regional simulation can use global atm forcing.
Hi, oleson

I perform a regional simulation, I set res to CLM_USRDAT,
./xmlchange LND_NX=34
./xmlchange LND_NY=25
./xmlchange ATM_NX=34
./xmlchange ATM_NY=25

but I did not set ./xmlchange DATM_MODE=CLM1PT, I use default setting
the below error appears, it seems that my forcing data is global but surfdata is regional?
As you mentioned before, the regional simulation can use the global atm forcing?

(shr_dmodel_readstrm) file lb: /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata//atm/datm7/atm_forcing.datm7.GSWP3.0.5d.v1.c170516/Solar/ 1
(shr_dmodel_readstrm) ERROR in data sizes 720 360 248 850
ERROR: (shr_dmodel_readstrm) ERROR in data sizes



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
@xiaoxiaokuishu you'll have to provide more information in order for us to try to help. Please submit a NEW post with the information requested here:
