Dear OlesonYour problem relates to the datm mesh file. Actually, I see the mesh file you are using to describe the datm forcing grid in your datm.streams.xml:
is the mesh for the land grid, i.e., the surface data you are using (200X200 = 40,000).
You need to use a mesh file that describes the datm forcing grid.
Your datm forcing data is
lat = 620 ;
lon = 1160 ;
So you need a mesh file that corresponds to that.
The one you are using has elementCount = 40,000, which is not 620X1160.
So, it's not just that you have a mesh file with elementMask set to 1 everywhere, you also need a completely different datm mesh file.
I have a question about LND_NX, LND_NY, ATM_NX, and ATM_NY. How can I calculate them for each region?
I used to use 0.816447 for each degree in the X direction and 1.0943 for each degree in the Y direction for creating a surface dataset with 0.05x0.05 degree resolution; for example, when I want to run the model for a region with 20 degrees in 20 degrees, I use:
NX = (20 x 0.816447) = 16.32 ~ 17
NY = (20 x 1.0943) = 21.886 ~ 22
Is my approach for calculating the NX and NY true?
If I want to use a surface dataset with a 0.05x0.05 resolution, is this the correct method, or is there no connection between the resolution of the surface dataset and NX and NY?